Date: end of May 2019, end of Jul 2019
Name: AshtynBelle
User ID:: not on eccie
Preferred Method of Contact: via pvtmsg or website, then text once screened
Phone: after screening, for texts only
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: dallas
State: Texas
Address: downtown near city hall
Age: late 40s
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Smoking Status: Maybe, I Couldn't Tell
Hair Length and Color: brunette/auburn hair to shoulders
Physical Description: 5'3" or so, slender body, very much like her photos. large implants that felt really deliteful. overall, a sexy milf that would prolly turn your head while in home depot or whole foods.
Public comments:
i visited with Ashtyn last year after we pvtmsg'd back and forth several times until we connected. i enjoyed that encounter (at the 4 star Westin Dallas Park Central!) very much and kept Ashtyn on my gvha list. by the time i got around to scheduling a revisit, she had moved to a new place downtown. it took a while, but we finally synched up. same gorgeous & sexy woman, same excellent tcb, same positive attitude, same deliteful activities.
Was the Appointment On-Time? yes
Activities: hugs, kisses & caresses, talented oral delites tc but not cim, covered whoopie delites tc
Recommendation: Yes