french candidate Marine LePen will pull out of NATO if elected

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

French presidential candidate reveals NATO stance

Marine Le Pen wants to withdraw France from the alliance’s military command if she gets the country’s top job

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has pledged, if she wins the election, to withdraw the country from NATO’s Integrated Military Command and to work on “strategic rapprochement” between the alliance and Russia.

During a press conference on Wednesday, the far-right National Rally candidate who in the past voiced support for leaving NATO, clarified her current position on France’s membership in the alliance.

Saying that she would like “to dispel any misunderstanding,” Le Pen explained that her intention was to return to France’s policy between 1966 and 2009, when France was not involved in NATO’s military affairs but remained a part of its political structure. The presidential candidate pre-empted the likely criticism of her statements, saying that such a stance on NATO membership would “in no way” mean “a submission to Moscow” but rather would allow her not to place French-armed forces or weapons under any foreign command, whether NATO’s one or a future European entity.

“I will therefore propose to leave not NATO, but its integrated command, as was the case from 1966 to 2009,” she said.
French presidential contender weighs in on Russian sanctions READ MORE: French presidential contender weighs in on Russian sanctions

Saying this, she emphasized that France under her presidency would remain committed to collective security interests and to the corresponding article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

The presidential hopeful also pledged to “speak out for the implementation of a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia,” once military conflict in Ukraine is over and a peace agreement is signed.

France’s withdrawal from the military command would represent a serious blow for NATO as the country, which rejoined the bloc’s military structures in 2009, represents its third-largest military force and its fourth-largest defense budget.

Meanwhile, Moscow has consistently opposed NATO enlargement and strengthening and cited the alliance’s expansion eastwards as one of the reasons for its military operation in Ukraine.

The first round of the French presidential election set up a runoff between incumbent President Emmanuel Macron and Le Pen, with them gaining 27.6% and 23.41%, respectively. When it comes to the second round of the election on April 24, the polls point to Macron as a more likely winner. According to a France Info survey published on Wednesday, he is 10 percentage points ahead of Le Pen with 55% of voters intending to support him.

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has pledged, if she wins the election, to withdraw the country from NATO’s Integrated Military Command and to work on “strategic rapprochement” between the alliance and Russia.

During a press conference on Wednesday, the far-right National Rally candidate who in the past voiced support for leaving NATO, clarified her current position on France’s membership in the alliance.

Saying that she would like “to dispel any misunderstanding,” Le Pen explained that her intention was to return to France’s policy between 1966 and 2009, when France was not involved in NATO’s military affairs but remained a part of its political structure. The presidential candidate pre-empted the likely criticism of her statements, saying that such a stance on NATO membership would “in no way” mean “a submission to Moscow” but rather would allow her not to place French-armed forces or weapons under any foreign command, whether NATO’s one or a future European entity.

“I will therefore propose to leave not NATO, but its integrated command, as was the case from 1966 to 2009,” she said.
French presidential contender weighs in on Russian sanctions READ MORE: French presidential contender weighs in on Russian sanctions

Saying this, she emphasized that France under her presidency would remain committed to collective security interests and to the corresponding article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

The presidential hopeful also pledged to “speak out for the implementation of a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia,” once military conflict in Ukraine is over and a peace agreement is signed.

France’s withdrawal from the military command would represent a serious blow for NATO as the country, which rejoined the bloc’s military structures in 2009, represents its third-largest military force and its fourth-largest defense budget.

Meanwhile, Moscow has consistently opposed NATO enlargement and strengthening and cited the alliance’s expansion eastwards as one of the reasons for its military operation in Ukraine.

The first round of the French presidential election set up a runoff between incumbent President Emmanuel Macron and Le Pen, with them gaining 27.6% and 23.41%, respectively. When it comes to the second round of the election on April 24, the polls point to Macron as a more likely winner. According to a France Info survey published on Wednesday, he is 10 percentage points ahead of Le Pen with 55% of voters intending to support him.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
She's talking out of both sides of her cunt.

I wonder if it's possible. She wants the administrative power without the responsibility. Bitch!

Collective defence - Article 5

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Déclaration sur l’avenir de l’Europe

L'Union européenne a été créée par ces peuples pour atteindre des objectifs qui peuvent être réalisés plus efficacement par l'Union que par des États membres seuls. Toutefois, les limites des compétences de l'Union sont fixées par le principe d'attribution - toutes les compétences non attribuées à l'Union appartiennent aux États membres, dans le respect
du principe de subsidiarité.

Au travers d’une réinterprétation substantielle des Traités par les institutions de l'Union européenne au cours des dernières décennies, ces limites se sont déplacées de manière significative au détriment des États-nations.

Cette situation est incompatible avec les valeurs fondamentales de l'Union et entraîne un déclin de la confiance des nations et des citoyens européens dans ces institutions.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What Would a Le Pen Presidency Mean for France, Europe, and NATO?

A Le Pen presidency would mean economic and political disengagement from the EU, including a drastic reduction of €5 billion ($5.4 billion) in France’s contribution to the Union’s budget. Le Pen also intends to abandon France’s climate change ambitions. Her commitment to dismantle existing wind farms would increase the country’s dependence on gas and oil, as expansion of nuclear power is hamstrung by long lead times in building new power plants.

A Le Pen victory would be a disaster for France. The country’s long-standing allies would regard it as a loose cannon within the Western system, and its credibility would be destroyed.

The sky would darken, but probably not fall, if Le Pen is elected. But it would be best not to run the test.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Déclaration sur l’avenir de l’Europe

L'Union européenne a été créée par ces peuples pour atteindre des objectifs qui peuvent être réalisés plus efficacement par l'Union que par des États membres seuls. Toutefois, les limites des compétences de l'Union sont fixées par le principe d'attribution - toutes les compétences non attribuées à l'Union appartiennent aux États membres, dans le respect
du principe de subsidiarité.

Au travers d’une réinterprétation substantielle des Traités par les institutions de l'Union européenne au cours des dernières décennies, ces limites se sont déplacées de manière significative au détriment des États-nations.

Cette situation est incompatible avec les valeurs fondamentales de l'Union et entraîne un déclin de la confiance des nations et des citoyens européens dans ces institutions.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
translation for non-french speakers (e9500, next time please provide a translation; being lazy is not an excuse)

The European Union was created by these peoples to achieve objectives that can be achieved more effectively by the Union than by individual Member States. However, the limits of the competences of the Union are fixed by the principle of attribution - all competences not attributed to the Union belong to the Member States, with due respect of the principle of subsidiarity.

Through substantial reinterpretation of the Treaties by the institutions of the European Union over the past decades, these boundaries have shifted significantly to the detriment of nation states.

This situation is incompatible with the fundamental values of the Union and leads to a decline in the confidence of European nations and citizens in these institutions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She's talking out of both sides of her cunt.

I wonder if it's possible. She wants the administrative power without the responsibility. Bitch!

Collective defence - Article 5 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

wow. le pen really set you off.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
9500 is off his meds.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
wow. le pen really set you off.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

should we tell ecky9.5k Le Pen wants to nationalize France's economy .. because that worked out so well for Mexico, Cuba, the USSR and Communist China.

She is supportive of economic nationalism, favoring an interventionist role of government,

economic nationalism the same as economic socialism. ecky boy, i find you amusing in your child like fascination with socialism. you dream of some great utopia of the workers. workers rise up! bahhaaaa. horse shit. your idolizing of racist murderers like Che and Mao is beyond shortsightedness to being obtuse about your beloved socialism.

name one shining example of the great socialist model. just one ..

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think marine is playing a fast one on the nationalizing thing. I think she is more fascist than socialist.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
translation for non-french speakers (e9500, next time please provide a translation; being lazy is not an excuse) Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Again with the "lazy" thing. You remember: capitalize your sentences?

9500 is off his meds. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I wasn't off my meds, so much as on something.

should we tell ecky9.5k Le Pen wants to nationalize France's economy .. because that worked out so well for Mexico, Cuba, the USSR and Communist China.

She is supportive of economic nationalism, favoring an interventionist role of government,

economic nationalism the same as economic socialism. ecky boy, i find you amusing in your child like fascination with socialism. you dream of some great utopia of the workers. workers rise up! bahhaaaa. horse shit. your idolizing of racist murderers like Che and Mao is beyond shortsightedness to being obtuse about your beloved socialism.

name one shining example of the great socialist model. just one ..

bahahahahahahaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Again with the example thing.

I think marine is playing a fast one on the nationalizing thing. I think she is more fascist than socialist. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Like I stated, "both sides of her cunt."

Will far-left French voters back far-right Le Pen in the second round?

Those working-class voters suffering from globalisation’s worst effects say that they “choose instead to vote for Le Pen,” an opponent of both globalisation and the EU, even though the far-right leader does not have “an economic program that protects workers,” Louati tells TRT World.

Centrist Macron’s pro-business and pro-globalist policies, which seek to increase the retirement age and overhaul the pension system, are not popular among France’s disillusioned working-class neighbourhoods, which showed strong support for Melenchon in the first round.

Forget the presidency, I can lead France as its PM, insists Mélenchon

Mélenchon, a fervent opponent of both Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, pledged that if successful he would force whoever wins the keys to the Élysée tomorrow into an uncomfortable parliamentary “cohabitation” that would hamstring efforts by them to pass reforms the left opposes.

Laurent Joffrin, former director of the newspaper Libération, said LFI partners would be expected to “submit” rather than be allies, and have to sign up to Mélenchon’s policies including pulling out of Europe.

“These positions are not those of the voters of the non-Mélenchonist left and even less of a more centrist electorate.

“This is the eternal problem of the radical left: it has a chance at power but in no way does it want to pull together to achieve it,” Joffrin wrote.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’d vote for her, BP.

She’s a lunatic who, like Trump, will destroy France if elected, by turning personal preference into policy.

She’ll be supported by the undereducated, frustrated and angry losers who can’t understand why they angry losers.

Sound familiar?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
melancon talks about pulling out of europe? EU?
... So she'd destroy France like Trump "destroyed" America?

Oh, I see now... America's surely doing BETTER under Biden...

You might wanna explain THAT to the American people, 'cause they don't agree.

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 04-24-2022, 01:34 PM
Le Pen's getting her ass kicked.