Interesting article from CNN

thehighlander's Avatar
So are they going to outlaw facebook? Just like gun control. The gun can't shoot anyone by itself as facebook can't recruit anyone by itself.

As probably every parent ever has wished....why can't teenagers be smarter??????

Meetings some random person from facebook? Bad idea. Getting in their car....even worse idea. If only those hormones didn't make teenagers make horrible choices. Not going up to the first cop they see....horrible idea, though cops suck at life, but they can be useful....sometimes.

I know I made some bad I can't judge. But the older I get, the more I realize how little I actually knew back when I thought I knew it all.

Horrible stories, just makes me not like pimps all that much more.
"When a boy is 13 he should be placed in a barrel and fed through the knothole. When he turns 16, plug the knothole."--Mark Twain
Arverni's Avatar
More of the same old pap.

First - is the story even true? Because most of the "hooker turnarounds" exaggerate their stories - or make them up from whole cloth like Stella Marr - who posted all over the internet about her horrific experiences as a forced hooker in NYC - but then she was outed and it was discovered she was a willing participant who was just mad at her mommy and daddy or something.

Second - at what point do we STOP making excuses for people for not making correct decisions? A GUY "tricked" her into prostitution? I hate to say this - but women are smarter than men (supposed to be anyway). Women TRICK men - that's the way it's supposed to work - not the other way around. Women are pretty lazy and lackadaisical about sex - while men will risk their lives to be with a sexually desirable female. If this particular female couldn't think clearly during all this and say "No!" ... oh well.

"Often they're just spamming a whole bunch of girls with messages like, 'Hey, you look cute. I could be your boyfriend.'"
Seriously? There are women stupid enough to buy this line?

This woman is NOT a victim of human trafficking ... she's a victim of her own stupidity. She fell in love with this guy. Pimp really isn't the right word for him - he was her boyfriend and guess what - that's what most "pimps" are. I'm not saying he was angel - he certainly was not - but she had the power of refusal and failed to use it.
thehighlander's Avatar
Seriously? There are women stupid enough to buy this line?----

YES They are... I know of One in particular and I have met some pimps in person.

They've shown me messages that say. "Hey baby come travel the world with me"
They show their so call bling and fked up cars on fb and on text messages and these dumbasses actually fall for it.

They say LMPAO when they get one...They tell me it works more often than people believe.

You can thank the brainwashing of gullible young teens/adults by songs that promote this.
They actually think its cool...And that they are so cool for hanging out with this kind of trash.

They are forced into it most of the time by gang raping her...stealing her id...threating her with harm to their family friends if she leaves, etc....

But you do have to be really dumb to have a stranger come pick you up at your house and or meeting a stranger in some ghetto place. But sadly yes there are people who do this

all I can do is smdh at it
I agree, you can't fix stupid. I was a 16 year old run away and was approached by a pimp, he was white or hispanic, had a limo and told me up front what he does. He gave me the line, 'you will be my girlfriend and I will spoil you with the money I make'. At 16, I was smart enough to say HELL NO.
Arverni's Avatar
The thing is ... what about my WalMart checkout clerk? She's nice, she's pretty ... does she have a boyfriend at home that takes her paycheck and makes her work overtime for more cash? If I find out that she's in an abusive relationship - perhaps I should no longer use her as my check-out clerk?

I'm a big guy - but I can't say I have EVER dated a woman who would take shit off me. And the strange thing is ... I'm totally into SUBMISSIVE women who obey my every bark and command but ... I have yet to date one that would allow me to make a "fool" of her - or, lift a hand against her.

So whoever these girls are that are getting "fooled" by these wannabe pimps - they have some serious issues.
Arverni. the reason why some women behave that way is because it ALL goes back to the girls FATHER, or lack of father growing up.
Arverni's Avatar
Arverni. the reason why some women behave that way is because it ALL goes back to the girls FATHER, or lack of father growing up. Originally Posted by geddon436
I don't buy that either.

I have two grown kids who are fairly smart and have great jobs and pay taxes. Still - I don't think I can slap myself on the back and say that that proves I was a great father. I think I sucked as a father. I was gone a lot (military) while they were growing up and I was strict when they were young (because I was young too and thought you had to do that).

The way my Dad treated me growing up - and my littlest brother is like night and day - however, he and I both grew up to be very similar.

I think it's in the DNA.
Could be. I don't have kids, so I have no room to talk in that aspect. But, I still believe that there is a component to it.

Someone should write a book about it so we can learn the "why" part of it.
SknyDiva's Avatar
YOU finally made a great statement Arverni. I agree with.
SknyDiva's Avatar
mind of your own that most use at a certain age.. unless your totally ate up with DUMBASS
While it is not the parents fault that a child turns out with a mental disorder or some such craziness. It is also true that wonderful children come from really really fucked up families. The human element, you have to make your own choices.

Some people make bad choices to get a reaction from parents, friends, etc......dumbest thing ever. Now everyone knows you are a drama queen and you have shown everyone how ignorant you are.

Though we all make bad decisions, some are worse than others......but then again sometimes our judgement is just transference of our feelings, morals, and I as long as you aren't hurting the biggest dumbass you want to be. I mean if you are only hurting yourself....knock yourself out.