Do you guys ever tell stories of the Hobby?

I've always wondered just how many guys discuss the hobby with their friends.

Or is the Hobby something guys take to the grave?

I've had one guy send his brother...
sixxbach's Avatar
i wish i could talk to my friend about it. he is in a rut, this wife isn't into sex as much anymore after their daughter was born. i know what kind of girls he likes and would love to buy him a birthday BBBJ, but dont know how he would react to it......

i would not bring the hobby up to anyone i know most likely......
sure we talk about it,, but depends on the friends, some friends want to know this and that some due to their beliefs I do not discuss anything about my private life,
nothing like a good referral from your buddies
Kewl1's Avatar
  • Kewl1
  • 02-08-2010, 05:52 PM
i had a buddy once talk about craigslist... so I helped him with P411 and ASPD... can you say addicted to P*ssy..... Some of my closest friends are in the loop... others I would never expose to it... they could not handle it...
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I wish my best friend was into this world. We would be able to have so much fun swapping stories and women.

One of my brothers NEEDS this place, but there is no way he would come to the "dark side".

I have met a couple buddies here, and thats cool, it gives me a person to brag to when I bang a hottie.
"dark side"??? seriously, is it that bad to you mentally that its a dark side and you couldn't talk to your best friend or brother? Are you that ashamed of the "dark side" Seriously, you sound like a catholic in the confessional..."Father, forgive me for I have sinned and have thought of inviting others to enjoy my sin...."

If he was your *best* friend then why doesn't he know what you do, isn't that what *best* friends are for? My certainly are....
rekcaSxT's Avatar
The "dark side" was a tounge-in-cheek reference. I don't have a problem with this world, but a lot of people in my life do.

Talk about religious, that's my brother. If I tried to bring him into the "dark side" I would have to sit and listen to him pontificate over how sinful I was. But his wife doesn't give it up and she looks like a walrus now.

And my best friend is another story. He will eventually find his way here I am sure. But it will have to happen naturally. And that's all I have to say about that.
See, now I actually have to ask a question...and definitely not the moral police here, but does your brother think his wife looks like a walrus? So, is it easier for you to not talk to your brother, the walrus f**ker because he's religous or because he's hopelessly pw'd or you think she looks like the walrus?
Why not lead your bff here and help guide him instead of letting him make the same rookie mistakes we all did?
Is it that you have a so/wife? or not?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I am guessing we just have different ways of looking at things.

I know my brother isn't happy, he got married WAY too early and settled on a woman who has let herself go. She doesn't give it up any more and his eyes do wonder. BUT he is too proud or "honorable" to cheat or join this hobby world. I just know if he ever did cross over into this world it would bring him a lot of joy. But in the process it could ruin a lot of things.

As far as my best friend, well you make a good point about the "rookie mistakes" I will have to consider that. His problem is that he doesn't have the disposable income to enjoy this world yet. (lot's of school debt) But he is starting on a rewarding career that will take care of that.

Do I have an SO? I should probably say "none of your business" but the answer is no. I am free from entanglements at this point in my life.
Lucky you...I'm entanglement free as well. I do have to offer my 2cents....can't help myself...for your brother, no matter what you know, you need to let him and his wife work it out, not matter the circumstances. For your bff...your concern is not his financial situation...its to decide whether you want to be his Yoda or Obiwan and guide him to the hobby or be a Dark Lord of the Sith and let him fail and become Whispers Just kidding whispers!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Now you are gonna make references to the dark side but give me shit about it? GEEZ!

Look...feel the is all around you, you can use it for good or evil...that is up to you and how you control your thoughts. Dammit Luke! Hobby not...fuck pussy yes? Commit or go home LOL... actually, now we need a thread to create yoda sayings for the hobbyland yes?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
"take it in the ass she does!"


try not, fuck do!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Ok let's start the yoda thread, so we don't get in trouble for hi-jacking.