What did everyone do on the last market crash?

There are somethings that are always in demand.

What did you give up on the last market crash?

Upside don't hear too much about, Gas Is at an all time low these days. So Car travel is still an option. One just has to know which areas are shutting down other services, such as b&b hotels and places to eat, but as long as there is a whole foods. Right?

Whispers's Avatar
On every transaction someone is buying what other's are selling knowing there comes a time they unload it and make a buck or two. The really smart people are making money as it bounces back and forth.

As to things to do, a lot of people in the country seem to think life only exists in the big city.

Take a half hour drive from Austin in any direction and you find start to fine open restaurants, movie theaters, honky tonks and more.
I didn't give up anything. I'm a contrarian investor, so I went all in when the markets bottomed out.

Never ate a can of dog food or wiped my ass with a corn cob.