Thoughts on drunk clients....

Had an appointment with a client in Pensacola last night who had been drinking. When I first opened the door he was laughing and talking very loud...saying "Good Morning" Im thinking Good Morning, its 6pm?? At first I just thought it was his personality but after getting a little closer could smell the alcohol on his breath. He is a P411 member with 30 ok's... I continued with the visit even though he was talking very loud
I was trying to talk softly in hopes he would do the same so other hotel guest don't hear him.

He was laughing and cutting up most of the time so seem to enjoy the visit.... to my shock this morning I get an email saying how he was unhappy with the visit. I couldn't believe it.... did he even remember the visit??

What should I have done in this situation ... if I ask him to leave he's going to write some bad comments about me. I feel like it was a no win situation.

Your thoughts....
I would've asked him to leave,(especially in a P4P situation) you never know how someone will act and what they're capable of when they're intoxicated.
I had a similar situation happen not too long ago and luckily it turned out great but I called my friend to let her know in case anything bad happened.
Thanks Alyssa .... I completely agree. Safety first.
Asking him to leave for being drunk and taking the bad comments would have been better for you then seeing him and taking his bad review..

I would never see a man if they had been drunk..

Case is over now, to late. just move on and don't let it ruin your life,,we always take the good with the bad in this business.

Your reviews are positive and if there is one bad one ,, men see thru that!
I think you acted graciously in an ungracious situation. He chose not to. That's unfortunate.

This was a tough call for you because alcohol on the breath and talking loudly doesn't necessarily mean he was drunk. You probably made a judgment call on the spur of the moment based on the information you had. I'm sure you did the right thing at the time. Allow it to inform your future decisions and you're all set. And don't worry if he does provide a less than stellar review. As a previous poster has suggested, men see through that. The ones, that is, who even read the reviews to begin with. Don't worry about it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Wow, that is so weird..who writes someone the next day saying they didn't have a good time? lol It sounds like you are not the one that should be concerned, don't give it a 2nd thought sexy lady! You have a solid rep and shouldn't let someone like that even occupy a second of that pretty head
Thanks everyone for your input. Your right goal is to always act graciously it's just difficult knowing what to do in those ungracious situations.
DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry that happened

Next time I would ask him to leave....but i think you did handle it best at time
whitechocolate's Avatar
You never know what can happen when someone is truly intoxicated. Some people are in a totally dissociated state where they are truly not themselves and can do all sorts of "bad" things. I think the best thing is sit down with him and briefly try to ascertain if he is drunk and if he is tell him that you would like to reschedule for safety concerns. Some drunks are argumentative and other passive so best be firm but act graciouslly as JD said so as not to get him angry and escort him out. Safety first!!!!!
I would ask him to leave. I would not see a provider if I showed up and she was drunk. Now if we drink together it is a different story.
whitechocolate's Avatar
There are reports of sessions where either the client or provider was drunk and that person fell asleep during the session which can complicate things enormously. If I showed up and the provider was truly drunk, I would leave as you never know about all sorts of false claims of all sorts being made against you. If the provider was pleasantly high, that could be a fun session but again I would be concerned about safety issues.
Satyrrical's Avatar
I have three vices in my life, sexy women, good scotch, and great beer. Would never mix any of them.

Shakespeare has some quote about drink enhancing the desire but killing performance. Smart man that. Who'd a thunk?
Still Looking's Avatar
I thought it was morning! LOL
pyramider's Avatar
I guess rolling the drunck is out of the question?
ben dover's Avatar
That's a shame really, I enjoy a drink now and then but would never show up drunk. I really enjoy a glass of wine or two during the session if the lady is into it also. I had one appointment that went real bad when the lady was pounding vodka like it was water and it got real weird...BD