Evolution? Intelligent Design? God did it all in 7 days?

Forgive me if this has been done before.

What say you?
Forgive me if this has been done before.

What say you? Originally Posted by timpage
It has been done. Let's pass on it before AustinEscorts tells us how ID has not been disproven and the theory of evolution has too many holes in it.
It has been done. Let's pass on it before AustinEscorts tells us how ID has not been disproven and the theory of evolution has too many holes in it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I get it, but the level of discourse seems unusually low these days and I'm bored. Never mind.
Forgive me if this has been done before.

What say you? Originally Posted by timpage
I say you are going to be miserable when your time comes. fucker
I say you are going to be miserable when your time comes. fucker Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'm gonna count that one in the 7 day list. Along with the rest of the brain-dead idiots who vote that way.
bojulay's Avatar
Ben Stein corners Richard Dawkins on the question of intelligent design
and Dawkins contradicts himself on Colbert.

Stein vs Dawkins
Dawkins says there is a possibility of intelligent design

Dawkins on Colbert
Dawkins says there is no possibility of intelligent design

Dawkins says to Stein "Intelligent design could have come from a higher
intelligence from somewhere in the universe"

The concept of God (A higher intelligence from somewhere in the universe)

But Dawkins doesn't believe in God, he is talking about outer space men.
I half expected him to pull a tinfoil hat out from under the table.

And Dawkins is pretty much the proclaimed spiritual leader of the

You asked.
OK, so because some slightly whacky Englishman gets a bit confused in his constant verbal diarheo, you use that as a basis for dismissing a very well founded scientific discovery?

ps. I call it a discovery because there are no ultimate proofs or absolutes in science, not even mathematics.

pps. how the hell do you spell diarheoer?

aha diarrhea
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Timmy has had his ass handed to him a few too many times, so he starts this ridiculous thread to try to somehow make himself seem smarter than he really is. A pathetic attempt, at best, and counterproductive.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Forgive me if this has been done before.

What say you? Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah I would take that over a huge explosion(Big Bang)- creates life and it so happens that every living thing has exactly what it needs to survive on this planet(O2,CO2, water, etc)- if animals evolved by "chance" how do you explain different animals appearing on different continents- of course their is intelligent design.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think WE is the perfect argument against "intelligent" design. He proves more the theory of "delayed evolution."
I think Timmy has had his ass handed to him a few too many times, so he starts this ridiculous thread to try to somehow make himself seem smarter than he really is. A pathetic attempt, at best, and counterproductive. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, that must be it. You just keep trying COG. Maybe some day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Timmy has had his ass handed to him a few too many times, so he starts this ridiculous thread to try to somehow make himself seem smarter than he really is. A pathetic attempt, at best, and counterproductive. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You just like ass...

Oh yeah, science trumps religious dogma every day. Evidence versus belief.

I know, being a dipshit is your constitutional right. And we have no obligation to educate your young ... That's the Church's job.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, Assup! Did I take a side in the debate? Did I say Intelligent Design defeats evolution? Did I make ANY religious statement at all? That's right, no I did not. So you continue to lie about me.

Genesis is a myth. I am not a religionist. But you are . . .

Hell, everyone knows what goes here anyway.

bojulay's Avatar
You just like ass...

Oh yeah, science trumps religious dogma every day. Evidence versus belief.

I know, being a dipshit is your constitutional right. And we have no obligation to educate your young ... That's the Church's job.

YOW! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah I love the science Dawkins is bringing us.

UFO conspiracy, the answer to the origin of life on our planet.

I think I read an article like that in the National Inquirer.

Yeah, it was right after the Yssup marries a Bigfoot article.

ha ha ha ha
Yssup Rider's Avatar