Nanny Bloomberg is at it again...

OK. So a judge blocked his ban on soft drinks larger than 12 ounces.

But Mayor Bloomberg just picked himself up, dusted himself off, and started all over again:

Cigarettes cannot even be visible in most retail shops in NYC.

I can't stand cigarette smoke as a rule. But it has (thankfully) been pushed out of restaurants, bars and the workplace. The battle to protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke has been won. It's over.

Nonetheless, it remains a legal product. Smokers are not lepers. I don't see the harm in allowing cigarettes to be visible on a rack behind the counter in a 7-11.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Didn't WTF just post yesterday that smoking bans were a right wing thing? Yes, he did didn't he. He was saying that National SOCIALIST leader Hitler was a right winger and then he said that right wingers were all about banning things like smoking. I guess Bloomberg is a Jewish, right wing Nazi politician...if you believe WTF.
WTF usually has his head so far up his ass it is nearly impossible to understand what he is saying.

But the ban on smoking is NOT a right-wing thing - or a left-wing thing for that matter.

Smoking is NOT like any other vice - not drinking, not eating, not gambling. When you smoke, the folks around you end up smoking too. Whether they like it or not.

No ONE has the right to do that to me. Smoking should be kept legal. We do NOT need another Prohibition.

But smokers can take their nasty habit outside or into sealed off rooms. That way they do not bother me.
Ive heard that Bloomberg is also funding many of the antigun groups.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
amen ExNYer!

Everything DOESN'T have to be political. some things make sense. The founding father would agree if they were alive today.