Pro videographer and web designer at your service.

If a picture says a 1000 words, then how many can a professionally shot video say?

I'm a Dallas based videographer with over 8 years experience in producing nationally televised video on several major TV networks. I recently added provider videos to my list of offerings and have a sample video for you to view online. (PM me for link)

I have the next two weeks wide open schedule wise.

I can shoot it, edit it and deliver to you a digital version you can upload to various hosting sites or to your own web site. You can even have it in a smaller, compressed file to send to a client's phone if you wish!

I also design custom web sites, just finished one tonight as a matter of fact ( and would love to help you with a web site that will increase your business.

I'm willing to travel a bit if needed, reliable and have top of the line equipment.

Gimme a shout, shoot me a PM, let's discuss your needs and I'll answer any questions you may have.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
you are awesome tex!!!!!!!!!!!!
mckee4u's Avatar
something to definitely think about.
good work Tex
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-22-2011, 09:07 AM
I'm coming from Houston to have him do my video.
Ladies, my schedule is wide open for the coming week. Give me a shout if I can help with a sexy video shoot or web site.
Thanks to all the ladies who have made inquiries about shooting a video.

I have had the same few questions come up over and over the last few days so I thought I would try to answer them here.

Where are you based?
I'm based in Dallas but am willing to travel to Houston and San Antonio if you're serious.

Can you keep my face out of the video?

YES! I understand the importance of your security and can shoot the video in such a way to insure you keep your anonymity.

Do you have a sample online I can watch?
(Great example of how I can keep your face out of the video)

How do I get the video on my web site or uploaded to a host site?
I'm very experienced in web site design and will help you get it to your webmaster or added to an existing web site. I can even design a new on for you. If you don't have a web site there are several sites that will host the video. You can then add a link to it in your ads and signature for viewing.

Do you have a studio or shoot location in Dallas?
No. I leave the shoot location up to the provider. A well lit incall, friends house or nice hotel room will be needed. I can even shoot outdoors but keep in mind the best light for outdoor shoots is very early in the morning or late evenings.

What does it cost?
I would rather discuss that in person, on the phone or in a PM.

Shoot me a PM. Let's get your video shoot scheduled. I'm discounting the fee for the first two providers who follow through with scheduling and help me add to my portfolio!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar