Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ruthie has left the court ..

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87

Sam LevineReporter, HuffPost
HuffPostSeptember 18, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal icon who served on the Supreme Court since 1993 and who crusaded for women’s rights before that, died on Friday at the age of 87.

Ginsburg died from complications of cancer, according to the Supreme Court. She died Friday evening surrounded by her family at her home in Washington.

The justice dictated a statement to her granddaughter in the days before her death, NPR reported. Ginsburg said: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

Ginsburg, who was once passed over for a clerkship on the Supreme Court because of her gender, was the second woman to sit on the nation’s highest court after Sandra Day O’Connor, and the first Jewish woman to do so. President Bill Clinton nominated her to the Supreme Court in 1993 after she had served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since 1980. From 2006 until 2009, she was the only woman on the Supreme Court.

Ginsburg’s opinions for the court were influential, regardless of whether she was writing for the majority or dissenting. In the 2007 case Lilly Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., for example, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that a woman could not sue her former employer for paying her male counterparts more than her because she had not filed suit claiming discrimination within a 180-day period required by law. In an opinion joined by three other justices, dissented vociferously, arguing that such a requirement was nonsensical because it might take a female employee longer than 180 days to find out that she was being paid less than her male counterparts. In her dissent, Ginsburg directly appealed to Congress to change the law.

In 2009, Congress did just that and passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which President Barack Obama signed into law that year. The law said that after each new paycheck, employees had a new 180-day period to file for discrimination.

Ginsburg wrote forcefully on a number of cases that directly impacted women. In 1996, she wrote the majority opinion in a case in which the court ruled that the Virginia Military Institute’s policy of only admitting men violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution. She also wrote powerful dissents in Gonzales v. Carhart, in which the court upheld a federal ban on so-called “partial-birth” abortions, and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores and Conestoga Wood Specialties, which allowed closely held corporations to refuse to provide certain contraceptive coverage to employees for religious reasons.

“Women, it is now acknowledged, have the talent, capacity, and right ‘to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation. Their ability to realize their full potential, the Court recognized, is intimately connected to their ability to control their reproductive lives,’” Ginsburg wrote in her dissent in Gonzales v. Carhart. “Thus, legal challenges to undue restrictions on abortion procedures do not seek to vindicate some generalized notion of privacy; rather, they center on a woman’s autonomy to determine her life’s course, and thus to enjoy equal citizenship stature.”

Ginsburg, who was treated for colon cancer in 1999 and for pancreatic cancer in 2011, ignored calls to step down from the Supreme Court as she got older. In August 2019, she successfully completed three weeks of radiation treatment after a tumor was discovered in her pancreas. The previous December, she had surgery to remove two malignant nodules in her lung, causing her to miss her first oral arguments since joining the court. She continued working through her recovery, including casting a vote from her hospital bed.

Even though she was small in stature, her toughness and hard workout routine, combined with her fierce rhetoric, earned her the nickname “Notorious R.B.G.” ― something in which she seemed to take great pleasure.

Born Ruth Joan Bader in Brooklyn, New York, in 1933, Ginsburg earned her B.A. from Cornell University, where she met her future husband, Martin Ginsburg. The two married in 1954, the same year Ginsburg graduated from college. Ginsburg then enrolled at Harvard Law School, where she was one of nine women in a class of 500 and cared for her daughter while completing her coursework. After two years at Harvard, Ginsburg finished her degree at Columbia University after Martin received a job in New York. Even though she had completed most of her coursework at Harvard, the law school dean there reportedly refused to grant her a degree, so she earned her law degree from Columbia, where she tied for valedictorian. Harvard eventually gave Ginsburg an honorary degree in 2011.

Despite her qualifications, Ginsburg was unable to find work after she graduated from law school in 1959. A Harvard dean even sent a letter to Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter recommending Ginsburg as a law clerk, but the justice replied that while he was impressed by Ginsburg, he simply was not ready to hire a woman.

Ginsburg eventually secured a clerkship with a federal judge in New York and went on to teach at Rutgers Law School before becoming the first female tenured professor at Columbia in 1972. That same year, she founded the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project, and from 1972 to 1980 she served as general counsel for the ACLU, a role in which she pushed courts to strike down laws that discriminated on the basis of sex.

In the early 1970s, Ginsburg authored the ACLU legal brief for a Supreme Court case on behalf of an Idaho woman claiming that a state law that gave men preference in becoming the administrator of an estate after a family member died was unconstitutional. Ginsburg argued that the law violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, which entitles all persons to “equal protection” under all laws, because it treated men and women differently. The Supreme Court agreed with Ginsburg in the case, called Reed v. Reed, and ruled in favor of the woman, 7-0. It was the first time the court had applied the 14th Amendment to determine discrimination on the basis of sex.

As a litigator, Ginsburg took an incremental approach before the Supreme Court. She carefully chose cases and plaintiffs toward which she thought the justices ― all men ― were likely to be sympathetic. In one case, for example, Ginsburg successfully convinced the Supreme Court that an Oklahoma law that allowed women to buy alcohol at age 18 but forced men to wait until they were 21 was unconstitutional. In the opinion in the case, called Craig v. Boren, the Court established an “intermediate scrutiny” standard for gender discrimination laws, meaning that the state had to prove that the law furthered an “important government interest” in a way that was “substantially related to that interest.”

When he nominated her to the Supreme Court in 1993, Clinton noted the profound legacy that Ginsburg brought to the bench.

“Throughout her life she has repeatedly stood for the individual, the person less well-off, the outsider in society, and has given those people greater hope by telling them that they have a place in our legal system, by giving them a sense that the Constitution and the laws protect all the American people, not simply the powerful,” Clinton said.

While she was a crusader for women in front of the Supreme Court, Ginsburg was critical of the court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that struck down a Texas law prohibiting abortion and established a constitutional right to an abortion. While Ginsburg supported a woman’s right to choose, she said the court in Roe went “too far, too fast” and lent fuel to the anti-abortion movement. Instead of ruling broadly in Roe, Ginsburg said, the Supreme Court should have taken a narrower approach, striking down the Texas law in question and allowing states to build on political momentum and pass laws that protected access to abortions.

Despite her status as one of the court’s more liberal justices, one of her best friends on the Supreme Court was her ideological opposite: Justice Antonin Scalia. While the two could forcefully disagree with one another in opinions that they authored for the Supreme Court, they shared a mutual love of opera, and even had an opera written about them.

Ginsburg’s husband of 56 years, Martin, died in 2010. She is survived by two children and four grandchildren.
I say wait until after the election to fill the seat.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shes been a corpse for the past decade!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I say wait until after the election to fill the seat. Originally Posted by friendly fred

I think how they respond will tell the tale of how they ACTUALLY feel about Trump's chances. If they wait-- they feel pretty confident. If they scramble to get one in (which.. they can thanks to the nuclear option).. then they're worried.
Budman's Avatar
Waiting to try and show the left we are fair is stupid. If they had control of the senate when obama was POTUS then Merick Garland would be on the SC. They don't play fair and never have.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 06:37 PM
Remember how Schiff and nadler ran the trump impeachment hearings - republicans were silenced .

B is correct - the DPST hold the republicans to a standard of conduct they refuse to play by.

Fuck them!
winn dixie's Avatar
Roughly we have 4 months to get this done. Republicans should push this through asap!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I say wait until after the election to fill the seat. Originally Posted by friendly fred

looks like Trump can try to fill the vacancy. the senate is all that matters, doesn't need to go through the house. even if Biden wins Trump has until Jan 20th so he can start the process.

I think how they respond will tell the tale of how they ACTUALLY feel about Trump's chances. If they wait-- they feel pretty confident. If they scramble to get one in (which.. they can thanks to the nuclear option).. then they're worried. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

i bet Harry Reid is having buyer's remorse about that. when he originally did it, it was for federal judges and executive branch only, it excluded the Supreme Court. ideally the Supreme Court nominations should be the super majority. but Mitch threw it back in the Democrat's faces. fair is fair. and that can change again depending on who controls the Senate, Republican or Democrat.

In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments, but not for the Supreme Court.[1] In April 2017, Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell extended the nuclear option to Supreme Court nominations in order to end debate on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch.[2][3][4]

i don't think it's a matter of confidence. it's a matter of it's a sitting president's right. recall that the Democrats forced Bush not to fill an opening to allow the winner of the 2008 race, Obama, to fill it. it was Sotomayor Obama nominated. that was a mistake on Bush's part. it was his right to make the nomination.

it's Trump's right also. he should take it the Democrats be damned. they started this anyway, first by demanding Bush wait and then the nuclear rule. did those dummies not think it would be used against them at some point? fucking idiots.
Remember how Schiff and nadler ran the trump impeachment hearings - republicans were silenced .

B is correct - the DPST hold the republicans to a standard of conduct they refuse to play by.

Fuck them! Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree. fuck ‘em.

This is hardball politics. This is no time to balk.

Of course, what we really need to worry about is the Rino’s, in particular Mitt Romney and Susan Collins.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 07:02 PM
When do we get to hear the announcements regarding about Pelosi and schumer???
Much anticipated!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Talk about the ultimate game of politics. Here is what I predict. Trump will nominate, probably Amy Coney Barrett and Mitch McConnell will count heads before calling for a vote. If he doesn't have the votes, no sense making 23 Republican Senators up for re-election cast a vote that could affect the outcome of their race.

It is being said tonight that Murcowsky, Collins and likely, Mitt Romey will be no votes, leaving the tie vote up to Pence but perhaps the most important vote of all will be Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Judiciary committee. If he says no, there will be no conformation process.

So yeah, Trump should make the nomination but I predict there will not be a vote and the voters can decide whether this is the motivation they need to get out and vote or stay in as the case may be.

If there just weren't so many Republican Senators up for election, it might be a different story. This vacant seat will have to wait and see who becomes President and how the Senate shakes out. If Biden wins and the Republicans keep the Senate, the best Republicans can do is try to keep a ridiculous Biden nominee like Stacy Abrams off the court. Force Biden to go a little less left but he will get somebody on the court, that's for sure. I can't see us going 4 years with an 8 member court.

You think the Kavanaugh confirmation was a battle? If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated, it will be the Roman Coliseum deja vu throwing a Christian to the lions and they will mercilessly tear her to shreds.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Talk about the ultimate game of politics. Here is what I predict. Trump will nominate, probably Amy Coney Barrett and Mitch McConnell will count heads before calling for a vote. If he doesn't have the votes, no sense making 23 Republican Senators up for re-election cast a vote that could affect the outcome of their race.

It is being said tonight that Murcowsky, Collins and likely, Mitt Romey will be no votes, leaving the tie vote up to Pence but perhaps the most important vote of all will be Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Judiciary committee. If he says no, there will be no conformation process.

So yeah, Trump should make the nomination but I predict there will not be a vote and the voters can decide whether this is the motivation they need to get out and vote or stay in as the case may be.

If there just weren't so many Republican Senators up for election, it might be a different story. This vacant seat will have to wait and see who becomes President and how the Senate shakes out. If Biden wins and the Republicans keep the Senate, the best Republicans can do is try to keep a ridiculous Biden nominee like Stacy Abrams off the court. Force Biden to go a little less left but he will get somebody on the court, that's for sure. I can't see us going 4 years with an 8 member court.

You think the Kavanaugh confirmation was a battle? If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated, it will be the Roman Coliseum deja vu throwing a Christian to the lions and they will mercilessly tear her to shreds. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Stacy Abrams? i guess you just threw that out there as a completely absurd pick which she would be since you probably know she's a tax attorney with zero judiciary experience. The Democrats wouldn't waste their time with Abrams, she'd never make it even with a packed Senate full of Democrats.

but then again, in these days as they are she's a black female so maybe it's not so absurd after all.

pyramider's Avatar
Good. She should not be a judge of any sort.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Let's try this probability:

  • Trump relected in a landslide
  • GOP gets House and Senate
  • Trump appoints 2, maybe 3 Supreme court justices
  • Trump bounces a few former coup plotters away for years
So we have your word that there will be no violence or civil war. Right? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do civil wars are going to happen. Originally Posted by matchingmole

Still no guarantee no civil war. No chance of a landslide. Appointed two, immediately working on the third. Senate still in the balance. He is always cutting away at staff who only say yes.

The landslide was a stretch. The Senate was reaching. The House was just a fantasy. Is the real power in interpreting the law? Or executing it?

Threats. That's all this piece-of-shit low life small-time crook comes down to just before the election. Fuckin' pathetic.

winn dixie's Avatar
The justice dictated a statement to her granddaughter in the days before her death, NPR reported. Ginsburg said: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

In your own defiant words.. No NO NO

Fuck you rbg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nominate and vote ASAP !!!!!!!!