Far for me to suggest a running mate for Joe Biden but it seems to me that choosing either Demmings or Harris, the former being a Chief of Police and the later a DA with a long history of law enforcement and especially brutality of Black males history, could be problematic. Both of their records in law enforcement seems like it would be more of a hindrance than a positive. Why did Harris do so bad in the Presidential race after getting such a great build up? Was it a closer examination of her record in the area of law enforcement against Blacks? Her admitting to smoking pot and laughing about it while locking up hundreds if not thousands of Blacks for possession and sale of weed seems like it would be a problem.
Will Demmings fare any better? I can assure you that this is where they will be hit the hardest and could turn off more Black voters than they inspire. If Joe needs a Black woman, I think he would be better off finding one without a history in law enforcement when law enforcement and Blacks aren't a very good match IMHO.