Republicans have a treatable case of ED...

DNinja69's Avatar
Election Disbelief.

There will always be disgruntled people when the actual vote does not equate to electoral votes as was the case Dubya v Gore which I believe is where the current dysfunction began.

Republicans won that battle but the next time a Democrat got a shot at the White House the ED began to show symptoms. Questions were asked about Obama's birth certificate. The debate continued through his re-election with claims that the copies released by Obama were fake though his mother being a citizen pretty much nullified the issue anyway.

It seems to be the Clinton camp who got the idea of disproving Obama's citizenship as a ploy to cost him votes though Republicans clung to the story for years even Trump only admitted it was bogus when he was in serious contention for their nomination.

Trump infamously challenged the 2020 election results and is currently under multiple indictments for his actions. He had spoken about rigged elections when Obama won again in 2012 and even claimed in 2016 that Ted Cruz 'stole it' in Iowa. As president and he used an Executive Order to establish an advisory board on election fraud. After complaints nothing was being done and it was just a sham he shut it down a few months later.

The fallout from all this Election Disbelief continues today and of course there are attempts so influence elections when Billion$ are spent by each side to elect a President there will be a variety of schemes carried out which is why we have so many checks built in but of course nobody challenges when they win, only if they lose.

I think most everyone wants to challenge election results on some level its vital that we don't let anyone 'rig' or 'steal' an election. Now that we have seen a more ugly side of what happens when the focus on election fraud gets out of hand I think it is time to stop trying to treat the symptoms and actually look to address the real issue.

Republics concerned with election results should be asking for better candidates who work harder to bring moderates and disgruntled Democrats to the voting booth. Hilary Clinton actually got more people to vote for her than Trump did in 2016. Nearly 3 million more votes so even if we take a couple million away the Republican party failed to provide a candidate that a majority preferred over Hilary Clinton in 2016 and in 2020 it was a landslide in favor of our current President.
The suspicions of election fraud surrounding the 2020 Election are valid. At midnight Trump appeared to be in the lead there was still votes to be counted. They shut down the count. Wednesday morning Biden was declared the President. The Election was held on a Tuesday and the country should have known who the next legitimate was on that night not Wednesday morning.
oilfieldace's Avatar
They can yell it from a mountaintop , but that election was stolen from Trump.
adav8s28's Avatar
The suspicions of election fraud surrounding the 2020 Election are valid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Didn't Trump lawyers Rudy G. and his partner Sydney "Frankenstein" Powell go 1/60 in the court system?

Didn't Fox news take back everything they said about Dominion voting machines?

That election was NOT stolen. :
Didn't Trump lawyers Rudy G. and his partner Sydney "Frankenstein" Powell go 1/60 in the court system?

Didn't Fox news take back everything they said about Dominion voting machines?

That election was NOT stolen. : Originally Posted by adav8s28

The problem is that the courts never tried any case. It was obvious that Governors and State Legislatures were not following state Constitutions changing laws for voting because of Covid. The courts would not let any case go forward as no one had been harmed or had standing to file the charges.

No voter id laws pretty much guarantee that large cities can stuff ballot boxes.
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2023, 12:01 PM
Election Disbelief.

There will always be disgruntled people when the actual vote does not equate to electoral votes as was the case Dubya v Gore which I believe is where the current dysfunction began.

Republicans won that battle but the next time a Democrat got a shot at the White House the ED began to show symptoms. Questions were asked about Obama's birth certificate. The debate continued through his re-election with claims that the copies released by Obama were fake though his mother being a citizen pretty much nullified the issue anyway.

It seems to be the Clinton camp who got the idea of disproving Obama's citizenship as a ploy to cost him votes though Republicans clung to the story for years even Trump only admitted it was bogus when he was in serious contention for their nomination.

Trump infamously challenged the 2020 election results and is currently under multiple indictments for his actions. He had spoken about rigged elections when Obama won again in 2012 and even claimed in 2016 that Ted Cruz 'stole it' in Iowa. As president and he used an Executive Order to establish an advisory board on election fraud. After complaints nothing was being done and it was just a sham he shut it down a few months later.

The fallout from all this Election Disbelief continues today and of course there are attempts so influence elections when Billion$ are spent by each side to elect a President there will be a variety of schemes carried out which is why we have so many checks built in but of course nobody challenges when they win, only if they lose.

I think most everyone wants to challenge election results on some level its vital that we don't let anyone 'rig' or 'steal' an election. Now that we have seen a more ugly side of what happens when the focus on election fraud gets out of hand I think it is time to stop trying to treat the symptoms and actually look to address the real issue.

Republics concerned with election results should be asking for better candidates who work harder to bring moderates and disgruntled Democrats to the voting booth. Hilary Clinton actually got more people to vote for her than Trump did in 2016. Nearly 3 million more votes so even if we take a couple million away the Republican party failed to provide a candidate that a majority preferred over Hilary Clinton in 2016 and in 2020 it was a landslide in favor of our current President. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Yes. This is not working to the benefit of Republicans. Trump has suppressed Republican turnout by questioning whether mail in votes will be counted. At one point before the Georgia Senate runoffs, he even questioned whether it made sense for Republicans to go to the polls since the Democratic candidates would win anyway, through hook or crook.

And then there's the matter of his opposition to Republican candidates who don't countenance his election lies, and his support for mediocre candidates who do, like Herschel Walker. Actually he was primarying people like Jeff Flake even before 2020. At one point he even supported Stacey Abrams over Brian Kemp for governor of Georgia! Republicans probably would have won control of the Senate in 2020 and 2022 if not for Trump.

The Democrats spent $40 million in 2022 helping pro-Trump candidates in select Republican primary races. They may actually pony up and try to help Trump in the 2024 primaries, if it looks like someone like your man Youngkin has a chance. I wonder if the timing of some of these criminal charges plays into the Democratic Party's agenda. They'll be coming to a head during campaign season, and seem to help Trump in the primaries, while hurting him among independent voters and other in the general election.
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2023, 12:06 PM
They can yell it from a mountaintop , but that election was stolen from Trump. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
How? He lost by 74 electoral votes and 7 million popular votes. How did the Democrats steal that many votes, and no one went to jail? The courts, with many Trump appointed judges, mostly rejected the claims of Giuliani, Powell, et al.
DNinja69's Avatar
The suspicions of election fraud surrounding the 2020 Election are valid. At midnight Trump appeared to be in the lead there was still votes to be counted. They shut down the count. Wednesday morning Biden was declared the President. The Election was held on a Tuesday and the country should have known who the next legitimate was on that night not Wednesday morning. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Sure the suspicions were valid. And Trump presented them in court after court and when the dust settled there simply is no proof of tampering on any level that would have resulted in a different election outcome. We can use the findings and continued debate to inspire the effort to make the process more secure this time around. Anyone claiming there is a significant effort on one side more than another to influence a Presidential election is being naive or partisan.

How many 'aww shucks the election was not fair' losses will it take to get Republicans to realize the current model is not working? If the Democrats are better at influencing an election then its time to get to work and outsmart them. Getting behind Trump again isn't going to fix anything it will likely result in another 4 years of the current mess of an administration.
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2023, 12:10 PM
How many 'aww shucks the election was not fair' losses will it take to get Republicans to realize the current model is not working? If the Democrats are better at influencing an election then its time to get to work and outsmart them. Getting behind Trump again isn't going to fix anything it will likely result in another 4 years of the current mess of an administration. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Didn't Trump lawyers Rudy G. and his partner Sydney "Frankenstein" Powell go 1/60 in the court system?

Didn't Fox news take back everything they said about Dominion voting machines?

That election was NOT stolen. : Originally Posted by adav8s28
Why did they stop the count when precincts hadn't been fully counted? They also restricted viewing of the count, except at a ridiculous distance. There was also talk of a water pipe bursting somewhere which halted the count. None of the explanations to the legitimacy of the 2020 election make sense. This country is in a tail spin.
Sure the suspicions were valid. And Trump presented them in court after court and when the dust settled there simply is no proof of tampering on any level that would have resulted in a different election outcome. We can use the findings and continued debate to inspire the effort to make the process more secure this time around. Anyone claiming there is a significant effort on one side more than another to influence a Presidential election is being naive or partisan.

How many 'aww shucks the election was not fair' losses will it take to get Republicans to realize the current model is not working? If the Democrats are better at influencing an election then its time to get to work and outsmart them. Getting behind Trump again isn't going to fix anything it will likely result in another 4 years of the current mess of an administration. Originally Posted by DNinja69
The only way this Country can retain some semblance of sanity is for the people to stop listening to these stupid politicians. They've spent seven years chasing after one guy, Donald Trump. Donald Trump can't possibly be that big of a threat to the establishment especially if everything is legit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How? He lost by 74 electoral votes and 7 million popular votes. How did the Democrats steal that many votes, and no one went to jail? The courts, with many Trump appointed judges, mostly rejected the claims of Giuliani, Powell, et al. Originally Posted by Tiny
37 states changed their voting laws, most extra-judicially, and caused you to wear a ridiculous costume for 3 years. Given where you live, no one questioned it because they thought you were just fumigating for lice or termites.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Republics concerned with election results should be asking for better candidates who work harder to bring moderates and disgruntled Democrats to the voting booth. ... Originally Posted by DNinja69
Are your seriously telling us that the demonicrats are over joyed that O'Bidan is their champion?!? An old white guy, career politician, who has been bum-fuck wrong on every, single, position his whole career?!? That's rich. Funniest thing I've heard all week. Hardy-har-har.. Well except for this IRS joke maybe:
Jim Mooney had been retired for a few years when suddenly he received a summons one day from the IRS.

He’s been selected randomly for a tax audit, so he decides it might be wise if he takes his attorney with him.

Unsurprised by the attorney’s presence, the IRS auditor explains the procedure and then says to Jim, “Mr Mooney, we have been reviewing your affairs and it appears that you have an extravagant lifestyle and yet you’re not in full-time employment nor do you have any other obvious sources of income.

You’ve explained this by saying that you win money gambling. Well, sir, I have to tell you, the IRS doesn’t believe that’s a credible explanation.”

“Well I am a skilled gambler,” says Jim, “and I can prove it to you if you’re willing to participate in a wager with me.”

The IRS auditor considers this proposition momentarily and then says, “Yes, I’m willing to give that a try, so go ahead.”

Right,” says Jim, “I’ll bet you one thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.”

The IRS auditor considers this carefully and decides that it’s impossible.

“OK then Mr Mooney,” he says, “You have a bet.”

At this point, and to the IRS auditor’s great surprise, Jim removes his glass eye and then bites it.

The auditor sits there in stunned silence,

Jim then says, “I’ll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.”

Mr Mooney isn’t blind, so he can’t have another glass eye, thinks the auditor. That’s got to be impossible, surely? So, the auditor accepts the bet.

So, Jim removes his dentures and then bites his good eye.

The auditor is stunned, once again, as he now realizes he’s lost three grand and Jim has his attorney as a witness. Naturally, the auditor is starting to get a little nervous.

“Want to go again?” asks Jim

“What do you have in mind now?” asks the auditor.

Jim smiles and says, “I’ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on this side of your desk and pee into that wastebasket next to your chair, without a single drop going anywhere in between.”

The auditor, realizing now that he’s dealing with a wily old fox, is feeling very cautious. However he thinks carefully about the proposition and he decides there’s no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees.

Jim stands in front of the desk, lowers his zipper, and strains mightily but the trajectory of his pee fails to reach the wastebasket and splashes all over the auditor’s desk.

The auditor is both ecstatic and relieved. He’s just turned a major loss into a huge win for him.

However, Jim’s attorney shouts out in obvious pain and puts his head in his hands face-down on the auditor’s desk.

“What’s the matter?” asked the auditor.

“When my client asked me to attend this audit today,” the attorney responded, “he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you’d be happy about it.”
Anyone could pee on Old Joe and he wouldn't smell any worse than the adult diapers he is wearing...
DNinja69's Avatar
What I think is that Trump tweeted and ranted his way out of the White House and millions of people literally decided that they would rather vote for anyone else running and Biden happened to the that person. I think that we are going to see one Democrat or another in the White House after the next election and maybe even a swing that way next round of House and Senate elections.

This won't be cause there are not good Republican candidates or because the best candidate won the election. There are many ways to lose an election without anyone needing to steal it.
What I think is that Trump tweeted and ranted his way out of the White House and millions of people literally decided that they would rather vote for anyone else running and Biden happened to the that person. I think that we are going to see one Democrat or another in the White House after the next election and maybe even a swing that way next round of House and Senate elections.

This won't be cause there are not good Republican candidates or because the best candidate won the election. There are many ways to lose an election without anyone needing to steal it. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Trump was trying to expose the enemy and millions of people decided to ignore him. The country is in bad shape now. We may never have a president that works for the people ever again, in fact one day there won't be any elections because the people will be enslaved and they won't have any say so on anything, we are half way there now. If Biden is reelected or a similar idiot gets elected you can very well kiss this Country's ass good bye.