Corey Booker self-identifies as white, European slave.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Senator Corey Booker quite unintentionally injected some facts into the lib-retard narrative about slavery ... now that he has self-identified with a white, European slave ... a Thracian slave ... who was enslaved somewhere other than in the American South ... 1,600 years before Columbus *discovered* the Americas... 1,700 years before there was African slavery in the North American colonies ... almost 1,900 years before there was slavery in a country called the United States of America?

One might say Corey Booker pricked the delusional and unhistoric lib-retard narrative about slavery, not that any lib-retard would pull his/her head out of their ass and realize what Corey Booker actually did.
bambino's Avatar
He’s aspiring to be our second black, gay POTUS.
rexdutchman's Avatar
He is delusional deranged dim-retard that drank the cool aide
I B Hankering's Avatar
Booker imagines himself to be a 2nd century BC Thracian slave. Evidently, his Kool Aide has leached too much lead from his pewter goblets.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He’s aspiring to be our second black, gay POTUS. Originally Posted by bambino
That's true, but Cory's self-elected destiny as a white guy is to be crucified on a cross as an example to others on why one should follow Senate rules and not misbehave.
I B Hankering's Avatar
When it comes to Cory's alter-ego Spartacus' and how Spartacus met his end by crucifixion, does Booker ironically imagine that his crucifixion will be on a St Andrews Cross?
I B Hankering's Avatar
“Honorable – if we could use that word about more people who are in public life, people who actually ask the questions at confirmation hearings, instead of 'Spartacus,'” Justice Clarence Thomas said, prompting loud laughter in the audience.

“If we could use the word honorable more often, think about the difference it'll make,” Thomas said. “Then, you'll have a legacy. We will have left the country in better shape, morally, structurally than we found it.”

“But as long as we're looking at our interests, or scoring points, or looking cute, or being on TV,” Thomas continued, “Especially the legal system, how do we maintain it? If you can't debate hard issues honestly, with honor, with integrity, how do we keep a civil society?”

I B Hankering's Avatar