Reply Time

I saw on another site a companion (Tara Tryst) I’ve wanted to see for a while. Anyway I sent the appointment request in three days ago, she has read it and no reply. My question is why does it take so long to reply? With everyone’s phones stuck up their booty 24/7 you cannot use the “oh I didn’t get the message” excuse. Why do companions do this? It’s ridiculous and beyond unprofessional? What happened to basic common courtesy?
mizurymule's Avatar
If my math is right, you sent the request on Christmas day? Maybe she is spending the holidays with family and didn't have time to reply.
Boredinop's Avatar
She is in no rush to respond from past experience but I can guarantee it is well worth the wait. Absolutely gorgeous. And VERY fun.
Actually Christmas Eve and still no reply. I agree the holidays could be the issue, but on that site I’m referring to it gives you their last log in date and time and she’s been on everyday since my request. Could also be she is waiting for the dance card to fill up before committing. Either way it’s bad business to me and seems to be the trend lately along with the trend of deposits, full names and pics. Maybe I’m venting a little bit lol