Should Men Trim Their Pubic Hair?

I am curious if women like for men to trim or shave their pubic hair. I have shaved on occasion or just trimmed it and it is easier to keep clean in that area without the extra unneccessary hair. Do the ladies like this when they are with a man? Is there a preference?
Still Looking's Avatar
You waited for TWO YEARS and this is your first post? Ladies this is one patient man, tell him what he wants to know! Welcome to National!
Please trim, shave or whatever you have to do to remain hygienic,, who the heck likes hairballs...

Ms. Athena's Avatar
The less hair there, the more Cock I can swallow...........IJS
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I trim with a Manscaper on the lowest setting, and I used to shave, but the itching drove me crazy. It makes it a lot easier for the girls.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Which would you rather lick up and down and all around?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Um neither thank you very much lol

It is nicer to see all of you there. It's easier to suck,lick, kiss, swallow. Right?
I keep mine clean shaven and no complaints.
I trim the triangle and shave around the bottom of the pole and the boys.
If you want some ball play and a better BJ, I YES!!
I wonder if anyone would wax the letters LL into their pubic area?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Lacy !!

DallasRain's Avatar
My SO says he trims his cause it makes his pecker look bigger! lol
My SO says he trims his cause it makes his pecker look bigger! lol Originally Posted by DallasRain

But sometimes its fun to play Find the Hobbit in the Shire or Where's Waldo