TX State Senator is proposing no jail for prostitutes / providers

DallasBenz's Avatar
Story in the Austin American Statesman:


Just something to keep an eye on.
Say What's Avatar
Gotta vote
"people that we're not afraid of, just mad at"

True statement if I ever heard one...

Because they are mad when they get caught using one...and/or the wives are mad when they bust their men seeing one. ijs
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Prison for offenders of victimless crimes? They are just now realizing that its not a good idea. Hot damn they using their heads now. Lol
Stuck in the mud's Avatar
I believe the proposal is no felony/prison for repeat offenders. I suspect the misdemeaner charge/jail time laws won't be changing any time soon.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-26-2012, 02:22 PM
The whole article is using drug addicted examples....

What are they going to do when the 3rd time offender isn't on some random substance, but is just addicted to having fun and making money?

Stuck in the mud's Avatar
The whole article is using drug addicted examples....

What are they going to do when the 3rd time offender isn't on some random substance, but is just addicted to having fun and making money?

-_- Originally Posted by ~Ze~
If I read correctly, they'll still be mad at such a person. Fun and money? Sounds good in theory, but whose life is it anyway?
TrailBlazer's Avatar
just addicted to having fun and making money? -_-
Speaking personally, my dear?

BTW ~Ze~ , when are you coming back to big D? I can't wait to meet a fellow Mau5head.
Sleepy363's Avatar
The bible thumping soccer moms will not allow something that actually makes sense for consenting adults to pass.
Bestman200600's Avatar
The ladies are providing a service which all men need. As long as both parties to the transaction are treated right, why the hell not. This profession has been going on for a thousand years. It will never stop. Just treat the ladies right.
The bible thumping soccer moms will not allow something that actually makes sense for consenting adults to pass. Originally Posted by still-asleep
The bible thumping soccer moms cannot control who their hubby is doing so they do the next best thing, get rid of the prostitute. 3-felonys and she gets life, for having fun. how stupid is that? If they are let out, you can bet on all the married woman picketing the state senators office in long dresses down to ankles and wearing granny panties, while carrying signs that read: We use sex to control out husbands, don't let that trash out. We value our soap opera time.


PS: I am happy to see that ZE got her lickin-kitty avatar back up, thats the one i remember wayyyyyy back on ASPD.

pyramider's Avatar
Its not the women voters ... its also the holy rollers that are male.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
"people that we're not afraid of, just mad at" Originally Posted by tntangie

Yea that's my favorite part. And he's got a point. I'm so fucking mad at y'all too.... for suckin and fuckin my brains out all the time. How dare y'all. Helloooo...Really?.... I'm gonna need those brains later.