when should the session timer start and or end?

asnbtdwn's Avatar
sorry in advance if this is a newbie question and i should know better by now or i put this in the wrong tread

here are two things that have happened

1...i see this provider simi late in the day 11pm and the usual chit chat where you from.....what do you do...talk "icebreaking" goes on. usually last 5-10 min.

this one time this talking went on for like 20-30 min, she was giving me her life story or something. we finally get things going and like 20 min into it she tell me "you almost done it's almost time"

2 same thing but opposite way....provider was a MSOG...donaiton was for an hour and i rang the bell at the 35 ish min mark and she cleaned us both off and put on her cloths like we were done and i should go.

any comments or advise would be great.
How I nicely say "shut up the meters running lets get going" for the first or call WTF in the second
Nickel-n-diming hobbyists on time is a provider's privilege. 5 minutes here, ten minutes there, 25 minutes with the newbie... There's a grift in the system and its in their favor. I have yet to find a tactful way to say, "At ease the jibber-jabber and let's get this thing started." or "Uh, you're not finished here yet." And if you do bring it up, even being as sweet as saccharine, what are the odds she enthusiastically goes to work? To be honest, if you find her dragging her feet beforehand or wrapping things up early, she's a bust and you'd be wasting your time to try to "talk" your way to a better session.

My advice is to get used to it. Your only real recourse is to write a review and let other hobbyists know. She'll develop a reputation as being a one-trick pony and a time-scammer. If it really bothers you, find an honest lady and become a patron of her services. There are plenty out there that enjoy their work and don't set an egg-timer the minute you walk in the door.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I agree with enddie - there are some women who REALLY don't like their "job" and therefore will spend as much time as possible NOT doing what you paid for.

5 min - get to know you - is as much as I allow. Then stand up and just say, lets get naked and start playing. If she stalls, don't give her the donation and leave.

I had a couple of ladies end the session well before the hour was up. I wrote an honest review BLASTING her. Many guys sent me pms and didn't go see her - not the end of the world, but she did lose a bunch of business. Eventually that will catch up with the bad ones.

There are PLENTY of wonderful providers who actually enjoy their job and enjoy being a pleaser to nice guys. READ those reviews and just see the well known, well reviewed providers, until you don't feel like a newbie anymore.
allofamber's Avatar
Lets say your appointment is for 2pm - 3pm.... Your time starts at 2pm and your time ends at 3pm...if you get more time, lucky you..but DONT expect it......

....and if you OVER stayed and she asks for a little more then you SHOULD pay....if she doesn't ask then she is letting you slide.....
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Lets say your appointment is for 2pm - 3pm.... Your time starts at 2pm and your time ends at 3pm...if you get more time, lucky you..but DONT expect it......

....and if you OVER stayed and she asks for a little more then you SHOULD pay....if she doesn't ask then she is letting you slide..... Originally Posted by allofamber
I disagree.

When a guy arrives HE is ready to get it on. Most of the time, the Lady wants a little "get to know you time" to get her head into the game. That is fine. But if YOU want to chit-chat for 20 min, with all your clothes on, MY session shouldn't start until we get going.

5 min, sure, no problem....much more than that....well now the lady is being a scammer.

And I agree if it goes a little over, lucky him.....if HE stays after in the BCD mode, then he should tender a little more as a tip for the extra time.

BUT IMHO, after the hour or so, the lady should NICELY tell him to get dressed, their time is up.

Hell I had a lady come over and after our session, we got dressed and came downstairs. She saw a few bottles of wine and asked if she could hang out, drink some wine and dangle her feet in the pool. After another hour, she got ready to leave and ASKED for an additional hour donation. Er, Ah, I don't think so.

You want to be a clock watcher and START the clock at 2:00:00.....well, then get naked and start the action.....then at 2:57:00 YOU can tell the guy his time is almost up;

And ladies, so WE don't screw up, please put that in your ad so we can be sure not to overstay our welcome.
allofamber's Avatar

I disagree.

When a guy arrives HE is ready to get it on.

. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister

That's so NOT true.......my regulars, for example are true gentlemen, and they are NOT looking for the wham bam thank you session.....they want the FULL experience.....

Now there are those that are more inclined to spend less and are working on a shorter time frame.....those might be the guys you're talking about.......
I thought most providers on here didn't clockwatch anyway. So, what's the big deal if the first 5-10 minutes is "get to know you"? To me the time starts once we both start to get comfortable.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I thought most providers on here didn't clockwatch anyway. So, what's the big deal if the first 5-10 minutes is "get to know you"? To me the time starts once we both start to get comfortable. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
Usually the first few minutes to chat are fun. I have a LOT of provider friends who spend a considerable amount of time "catching up" before the clock starts.

BUt I was responding to:

Lets say your appointment is for 2pm - 3pm.... Your time starts at 2pm and your time ends at 3pm... Originally Posted by allofamber
If a lady is a stickler for this kinda schedule, then she is a clock watcher and I probably don't want to spend too much of MY time chit-chatting.

I also appreciate knowing someone's attitude about the "time"
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
It usually takes me the first 57 minutes of the session just to get started... and the last three minutes to finish ... including the cleanup and getting dressed...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Most every provider I have seen was not a clock watcher, therefore I always felt more comfortable, than knowing there was a mental clock to go off before an hour was up.

One provider was SugarbabyNGA and it was understood you spent a few minutes with her on the couch getting to know each other, then the clock started when the loving started. Others were like that and on the primary visit, it was a good thing. Sometimes you come in from a hot Houston day of a heat index of 110 degrees and need a shower. Is this on the clock? Sometimes you come in from bumper to bumper traffic and need a couple of minutes to wind down, is this on the clock? Sometimes a person may need a glass of wine or a drink to loosen up, after all he is fixing to be very intimate with a person who he has never met, should this be on the clock? Sorry if I am human, and not some sort of machine that can crank it up and get ready to rock with just a minutes notice with a person who he has never met, much less met in a very intimate setting.

It's an age old thing.

SOME women think if a guy goes over without a tip is an asshole, while others realize that shit happens, and it is her fault as much as it was his for allowing the hour to run over. Some providers realize some guys need a couple of minutes to gain composure from outside influences such as weather, traffic, and other things.

SOME guys think that providers who watch the clock are mercenary, while other guys think they are just doing their jobs by the book.

Me...........during my time in the hobby, I was VERY LUCKY in those I chose to spend time and money with.

Just my humble opinion.
When the client arrives time starts....or when I walk through his door time starts. There is no argument there. The time is the time. Half hour is just that. An hour is just that. Now what happens during that time happens. If a provider decides she wants to watch the clock that's her business. If you don't like it...U have the option to Not call her Back. This is a Fair Exchange...Ain't No Robbery. At the end of the day...this is a Business ...Plain & simple. If you don't see it that way...your entitled. But any man/women can run His /Her business the way they see fit. Because Key word is THEIR BUSINESS. People like to complicate things...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
When the client arrives time starts....or when I walk through his door time starts. There is no argument there. The time is the time. Half hour is just that. An hour is just that. Now what happens during that time happens. If a provider decides she wants to watch the clock that's her business. If you don't like it...U have the option to Not call her Back. This is a Fair Exchange...Ain't No Robbery. At the end of the day...this is a Business ...Plain & simple. If you don't see it that way...your entitled. But any man/women can run His /Her business the way they see fit. Because Key word is THEIR BUSINESS. People like to complicate things... Originally Posted by camilleMorgan
amen Originally Posted by 214JULES
No Problem Hon.

Or to put it in a nutshell, the timer starts when I say it starts. LOL.

Now seriously OP, in your first scenario if those are the words the lady said well thats just rude of her. There are nicer ways to let you know the time is coming to an end. Personally, if it's the first time I've ever met you, I'm going to talk to you as long as it takes for me to get a good sense of you and makes me comfortable. You know more about my personality and actions BCD from reading my reviews than I know about you from one or two emails and a phone call. If that takes 45 minutes because trying to have a conversation with you is like talking to a brick wall, well so be it. This is why with first time clients, my time frame is open for an hour and a half at least, even though you just scheduled an hour. No worries though, if we have a grand ol time after the convo then the next time you visit me I can just grab your ass and haul you into the bedroom, throw you on the bed and just have my wicked ways with you.

As to your 2nd scenario, (dude. seriously?) If she is telling you it's time to go after 35 minutes and an hour is agreed on, that's just wrong. MSOG or not.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
When the client arrives time starts....or when I walk through his door time starts. There is no argument there. The time is the time. Half hour is just that. An hour is just that. Now what happens during that time happens. If a provider decides she wants to watch the clock that's her business. If you don't like it...U have the option to Not call her Back. This is a Fair Exchange...Ain't No Robbery. At the end of the day...this is a Business ...Plain & simple. If you don't see it that way...your entitled. But any man/women can run His /Her business the way they see fit. Because Key word is THEIR BUSINESS. People like to complicate things... Originally Posted by camilleMorgan
+1 Any one of my clients can attest im by no means a nazi clockwatcher but there is a fine line between a little get to know you convo and that ladies kindness being taken advantage of. If everyone we see we lost all concept of time with,that would make for pretty bad business for us. Does that really make us a meanie if we expect the session tobe over when the time is up? You dont want us talking your head off when we should be doing the Mattress Mambo,so why are we wrong when we start the hour when you get there. I dont mind it goin over a bit but some guys will let that little run into another time bracket and then scoff when you expect to be compensated for it.