Not sure if this belongs here!

ElumEno's Avatar
Not sure if this belongs in Alerts or Comedy Board, other way its interesting.....

For the comedic side just google the number...
modude51's Avatar
Gives a whole new meaning to "EXTRAS"
Kaboom's Avatar
Will my insurance cover that? Or will my deductible apply?
ElumEno's Avatar
Will my insurance cover that? Or will my deductible apply? Originally Posted by Kaboom
I asked FS to move this to the Coed Board... and this is dif one of those that make you go hmmmmm...
ElumEno's Avatar
I'm thinking pissed off ex-employee
No sedation for me if she works on me.
Jazzer's Avatar
Maybe the Doc is branching out and adding additional services.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I believe this has been brought up before. Don't know about its legitimacy, but it could be an upset ex-employee or ex-gf/bf. Who knows?
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Too funny.
Drill, baby, drill......
KCQuestor's Avatar
Open wider... and spit.
ElumEno's Avatar
One thing is they sure are persistent....

So has anyone called to have their TEETH cleaned yet?