Watch out for dealbreaker Becky @ Bucks Dallas

This is not a review because reviews require mention of extras and do not allow full names. The purpose of this story is to save others from going through a similar experience.

Becky is probably 20-25 and pretty hot - not short, not real tall, fairly lean with just a hint of softness to her legs and ass, A/B cups, dirty blonde with extensions, nice face - not really beautiful to me but far from ugly. She dances a little more suggestively than most on stage.
Becky is from Oklahoma. Becky is the low pressure sales type but talks a great game, acting very slutty up front. Just how I like 'em. My radar hasn't been this far off in a long time...

We agreed on VIP for an hour, negotiated 200 down from 300, all INclUsive. I confirmed there would be no rush and everything seemed great until we were in the corner and the money came out. She asked to count it and I foolishly agreed, then she quickly put it in her purse. Still feeling confident in the situation, I offered "half now, half when we are done?" which she politely said was silly and not how she does things. Oh well, I've had that work out fine in the past.

She starts off with a warm up dance or two, nothing special at all. We soon decide it's time to proceed with the plan, but she wants to swap locations. This happens, things go a little better for a short time, then she really starts hesitating, and watching the entrance even though I already am. I have to urge her forward, so to speak, but she wants to change back to the original location now.
Twenty minutes into this nonsense, I'm not having near the fun I expected, and it becomes obvious. She gives a half-hearted attempt to get things back on track for maybe a whole minute but she is clearly looking for a defensible escape. I tell her if she's not into it, I'm not going to get my money's worth, and she immediately states that 200 isn't enough to make her really excited about staying an hour. 300 or 400 and hell yeah, she would be, she says.
Now I'm done with this deceptive upselling ho and calmly tell her she can just give me 100 back and leave now. She acts like this is the most ridiculous idea ever, just as calmly stating "I never give money back, especially after..." and looks like she is getting ready to leave. I wish I had been in a less chill mood now but I only suggested she give me a few more dances first. This she did, maybe two songs, but it was just wasting time and then she left with a quick "Thank you baby."

It was the most polite rip-off I've ever been subject to.
CG2014's Avatar
Bucks Dallas sucks ass anyway.

I have been there twice in the past month.

One night they had 46 girls.

Another night they had 27 girls.

All 73 girls were either heavily tattooed skanks or ugly hood rats hos or trailer white trash or a mix and match combination of all three.

They all looked way past their BEST IF USED BY, BEST IF EATEN BEFORE, SELL BY, USE BY date.

Some of them have vag jay jay that are like cheese that's been on the store shelves for too long and is starting to smell skunky funky stinky moldy.

Bucks Dallas could hold a BOGO Chinese Fire Sale on their so called "Entertainers" and I still wouldn't buy.

I wouldn't touch any of those girls with my dick or the dick belonging to any fellow hobbyists here or even belonging to my worse enemy.

Then on Tuesdays when it's $2.25 you call it, the club looks like a convention for crips, bloods, la familia michoacana, MS-13 and aryan circle.
CowboyDave's Avatar
Thanks for letting us know. Had a similar situation (same description so might be same girl) but at Ricks in Ft Worth about a year ago. As you said, my radar hadn’t been that off in a long time. Same MO. Got me to VIP then it was lame ass dances I could have had downstairs. Same response too “oh that’s not enough for me to be willing to do that”. Well you fucking said it was enough when we were downstairs! I finally pushed her off my lap and got up and left with her standing there half naked. Chalk it up to the game, learn from it, and move on.
Chung Tran's Avatar
just when I was thinking I might visit there for the first time, LOL.. thanks for the input, I don't get around enough to the Clubs I know I would like better, so dropping one from the radar is a good thing.
Bucks Dallas sucks ass anyway.

I have been there twice in the past month.

One night they had 46 girls.

Another night they had 27 girls.

All 73 girls were either heavily tattooed skanks or ugly hood rats hos or trailer white trash or a mix and match combination of all three.

They all looked way past their BEST IF USED BY, BEST IF EATEN BEFORE, SELL BY, USE BY date.

Some of them have vag jay jay that are like cheese that's been on the store shelves for too long and is starting to smell skunky funky stinky moldy.

Bucks Dallas could hold a BOGO Chinese Fire Sale on their so called "Entertainers" and I still wouldn't buy.

I wouldn't touch any of those girls with my dick or the dick belonging to any fellow hobbyists here or even belonging to my worse enemy.

Then on Tuesdays when it's $2.25 you call it, the club looks like a convention for crips, bloods, la familia michoacana, MS-13 and aryan circle. Originally Posted by CG2014

that's funny
CG2014's Avatar
There is a NON DANCER there that I gave my phone # to long time ago (as in 2 years) and I took her out to lunch ONE TIME only and got the feel that she won't play;

my # has since still changed and she is still looking for me to buy her off one night and go upstairs and like I already said, she doesn't play.

She just want to be bought off for the whole night so she can party and not do any work.

I have friends that still go to Bucks Dallas and when they do and run into her, she still ask them if I am with them or if I am coming in.

I heard that at some of these strip clubs, maybe not at Bucks, the waitresses [and maybe even dancers] can pay $200 to leave early?

Is that true?

How early? 4 hours? 2 hours? 1 hour?

What's so important that's NOT AN EMERGENCY where a family member is in the ER or has died that they are willing to spend $200 of their own money to leave early?

Even if it's as long as 4 hours early and there is no REAL EMERGENCY, just endure the 4 hours and you never know, they may make $200 during that time or even more.

It's not like they will be doing hard labor the whole 4 hours or 2 hours or however number of hours remaining on their shift.

They are in an air conditioned building, music playing, in a party atmosphere, the managers are very non hands on, not like they will see the waitresses not doing anything and make them wipe every table and surface and sweep and mop and vacuum to keep them occupied.

If there are no customers, most of the time the waitresses and bartenders and dancers are standing around doing nothing, chit chatting with each other, looking at their phones to pass the time.

That paying $200 to leave early makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.
I've had fun there taking one of my girlfriends. We had about three different girls dancing for us, playing with her titties, rubbing her ass, etc. She's into girls and when they are into her it is a fine memory.

I've done about the same at Baby Dolls though the girls are prettier at Baby Dolls for the most part.
That’s been my experience as well. Place is too rough for my liking. I used to have a regular there and would go,to see her. I had a couple of young punks threatening me on the outside patio. I told the bouncer about it and he did nothing. 20 minutes later they talked shit to the wrong guys and literally got the shit beat out of them. Ambulances and police were called and I got the fuck out. I’ve been back 2-3 times since but it is the same crowd and the ghetto dancers.
Sounds like the same all talk no mileage Becky at the old Cabaret Royale
I've had better luck there but usually on the day-shift. Were your visits day or night? If you read their reviews, you can see who plays and avoid the rest. I did have a problem with a dancer picking my pocket and getting away before management could stop her but they did fire her and even compensated me with free VIP for quite a few visits.
That’s been my experience as well. Place is too rough for my liking. I used to have a regular there and would go,to see her. I had a couple of young punks threatening me on the outside patio. I told the bouncer about it and he did nothing. 20 minutes later they talked shit to the wrong guys and literally got the shit beat out of them. Ambulances and police were called and I got the fuck out. I’ve been back 2-3 times since but it is the same crowd and the ghetto dancers. Originally Posted by Blankinburger
Was this day or night and were the guys there regulars? I can't stand this club and I haven't been back in years. As soon as you walk in everyone is eyeing you up and down and how they will slice you up and carve you out of every dollar you have, everyone there is looking to screw over the customer. They hire the worst people from managers, dancers, waitstaff, bartenders, etc. literally everyone is ghetto as hell. Club layout is the worst I have ever seen of any club and then it has dangerous patrons in there from every scummy corner of society. Lots of vegetable farmers there looking to make it a farmers market. Just a bad scene overall.
I feel like some of us are not even talking about the same place. I've gone here more this year than any other club, day and night, never felt the least bit out of place or unsafe, and met many cool HOT girls, ranging from untouchable pussy to bareback pussy. Obviously they aren't all winners but it's generally easy to navigate in the right direction. Managers have treated me well, too. I'm no big spender, either... just the occasional trip to VIP.