Boudreaux and Thibodeaux

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  • TRIN
  • 10-29-2014, 06:16 PM
Boudreaux was out in da field talkin' wit his frien' Thibodeaux.

Thibodeaux said, "Boudreaux, you see dat ole barn out dere? Well man, its completely infestered wit' rats. I tried everything I know an' can't get rid of dem."

Boudreaux say, "Thibodeaux, I know zactly how to get rid of dem rats. You gotta get you one of dem bull constriptors."

Thibodeaux say, "Whats a bull constriptor?"

Boudreaux explains, " Man. Dats one of dem big ole snakes and he loves to eat rats and swallers dem whole, all at once."

Well, da nex' day Thibodeaux went down to Kliberts reptile farm and bought him da biggest bull constripter dat dey got. He brought dat snake to da barn an let him loose right in da middle and just sat dere and watched.

Well, Thibodeaux was watchin' for a long time, I mean long, an dere wasn't nuttin' happenin'. Dat big ole snake jus curled up hiself in da middle of dat barn and slept all day. He didn't even move and dem rats jus run all around.

Thibodeaux got real frustrated and he called up Boudreaux on da phone, "Boudreaux, man dats some bad advice bout dat snake. Dem rats play all day long."

Boudreaux say, "Man, Thibodeaux, I know just what to do. Give dat snake some Viagra."

Thibodeaux say, "What! Viagra! What's dat gonna do?"

Boudreaux say, "I was just listening to da radio and de man say dat Viagra is da best t'ing to use for a reptile dysfunction."
I always love a good Boudreaux and Thibodeaux joke
thanks for posting. I miss nola
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Boudreaux was down at the dock wit his frien' Thibodeaux, bout to out huntin' an fishin' in his skiff. He had a whole lot of duct tape wit 'im.

Thibodeaux ask, "Boudreaux, what chu gon do wit dat duck tape?"

Boudreax say "I'm gon catch me some ducks."

"Boudreaux, you crazy. I'm gon hunt and fish by myself."

End of the day, Thibodeaux see Boudreaux's skiff filled wit ducks.

Next mornin', Boudreaux shows up with a big bag of nutrasweet.

Thibodeaux ask, "Boudreaux, what chu gon do wit dat nutrasweet?"

Boudreax say "I'm gon catch me some nutreas."

"Boudreaux, you crazy. I'm gon hunt and fish by myself."

End of the day, Thibodeaux see Boudreaux's skiff filled wit nutreas. Thibodeaux shake his head.

Next mornin', Boudreaux shows up with a whole bunch of pussywillows.

Thibodeaux say "Boudreaux, I'm goin wit chu!"