Special Events

lakecat's Avatar
This may have been asked before, but I'm wondering how you handle it if you have tickets to a special event like a concert, basketball game or something similar and would like to take an escort? Is the time when you're attending the event on the clock? What if you go to dinner before or after, on the clock? If they are on the clock, is it typically at the normal rate or reduced? This pertains to someone you haven't seen before or you may have seen once or twice, but aren't a regular.
Depends on the girl. And the event lol. If it is something that I'm excited to do I am more likely to offer a better rate for the public time.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Most will consider it on the clock I would think, however as Sillygirl said depends on the girl/event. I would just ask
London Rayne's Avatar
I had the VIP treatment for both the CMA and CMT awards and did not charge for the concert time....he paid it anyway, and had a limo pick me up and bring me back.

If it's a Breaking Benjamin concert not only will I go for free, but I will blow you back stage for free too. Does that answer your question?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I had the VIP treatment for both the CMA and CMT awards and did not charge for the concert time....he paid it anyway, and had a limo pick me up and bring me back.

If it's a Breaking Benjamin concert not only will I go for free, but I will blow you back stage for free too. Does that answer your question? Originally Posted by London Rayne
We just had a thread run that is very similiar to this, I answered that she would in all likely hood be on the clock. But then some Providers chimed in, and from what they said, it appears that it depends on the Lady you ask.

If you have a ATF, (someone you see on a regular basis), she just might go for the shear enjoyment of the show, and then dinner, and expect to be compensated for the BCD that usually follows. That would be a great situation to fall into.

There are providers that NEVER mix civilian activities with hobby activities, and will probably treat the entire evening as "on the clock". You are a "hobbyist" whether you are treating Her to Led Zepplin or banging Her.

If it is someone you have never seen, who knows. We tend to believe that all providers think the same, but the longer you are around this, the more you learn that the only thing many of them have in common is the business they are in. Each is an individule that does Her own thinking concerning how she treats Her clients.
Logan135's Avatar
I thing the web hits for Breaking Benjamins tour schedule just increased exponentially!!! What the hell.....no tour dates!! Screw their hiatus lol
London Rayne's Avatar
LOL...have seen them 8 times and counting.