Which side presents the biggest threat of violence in America

HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden and the left are fond of telling us that "White Supremacist" are the biggest threat of violence in America and yet it is BLM and Antifa, not the Proud Boys and the Klan, on TV telling Americans that if Rittenhouse isn't found guilty, there will be arson and blood in the streets!

The Klan and Proud Boys are not saying that if Rittenhouse who Biden and the Left tells us Rittenhouse is one of, are not threatening violence if Rittenhouse, one of their own ( NOT ) is found guilty.

It is BLM and Antifa in New York, who are threatening violence if more police are put on the streets to combat the crimes of the Left since we are also told that 85% of Black criminals vote Democrat.

But the media, will not admit this fact, not conjecture like they use to describe the right.

Yep, a couple hundred people from the right not the thousands who intended to protest peacefully on the steps of the Capital, committed violence on one day, Jan 6th, while the Left spent the entire summer not threatening violence but committing violence and here they are again, threatening to burn down what is left of Kenosha, if they don't get the verdict they want.

And you cowards won't call them on it like I just did. And you wonder why the Democrat Party will suffer the worst defeat in American history come No. 2022. That's why it is so important to pass this crazy crap they want because they know it is now or never since they will no longer be in power.
matchingmole's Avatar

If happened now....Fox News would say he just quickly remodeled the Federal Building in OKC
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

If happened now....Fox News would say he just quickly remodeled the Federal Building in OKC Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so
Let’s see.

Attack on Capital - the right
Threats against elected officials - the right
Men arrested with armories or weapons and bomb making wanting to kill politicians - the right

I think we see the pattern forming. Right wing nuts (generally white folks) are threatening to harm everyone if they don’t get their way.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's all relative to what your definition of "violence" is... if you get so worked up over one lying jackass like Trump that you are willing to storm the capitol and threaten violence and commit violence with deadly weapons to overturn democracy, that's one thing to me... if you want to march and loot and steal TVs, that's another thing to me.

I define "violence" as harming (or threatening to harm) another human being. The Trump goofballs have proven they are fine with that as long as their master can ignore the democratic results of an election because their master told him it was all fraud.

I seriously doubt anybody on the left will be threatening lives and storming the Capitol if Biden loses in 2024 (assuming he is still even alive then). In all seriousness though, Biden would not act like a petulant child and lie about a stolen election because his supporters are not mostly full of a bunch of gullible uneducated hick clowns who will believe everything he says no matter how outlandish and nonsensical the claims are like Trump's cult followers do with him.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Let’s see.

Attack on Capital - the right
Threats against elected officials - the right
Men arrested with armories or weapons and bomb making wanting to kill politicians - the right

I think we see the pattern forming. Right wing nuts (generally white folks) are threatening to harm everyone if they don’t get their way. Originally Posted by NoirMan
endless riots burning cities down... the left
Let’s see.

Attack on Capital - the right
Threats against elected officials - the right
Men arrested with armories or weapons and bomb making wanting to kill politicians - the right

I think we see the pattern forming. Right wing nuts (generally white folks) are threatening to harm everyone if they don’t get their way. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Is that you Joy...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-19-2021, 05:30 AM

If happened now....Fox News would say he just quickly remodeled the Federal Building in OKC Originally Posted by matchingmole

offshoredrilling's Avatar

True Originally Posted by WTF
he would still get nailed by fox news
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
According to the Justice Department...concerned parents.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see riots pushing the progressives agenda Hmm , burning down cities hmm
ICU 812's Avatar
On the right, there is a simmering but silent pool of folks who are in many ways a-political. They just want to go to work every day and raise their kids. The details and substiles of politics are not things they want to worry about. But when they do her about LGBTQ issues (school bathrooms and locker rooms) and see Antifa/BLM inspired riots they know in their hearts. " . . that just ain't right".

Now we have inflation and it doesn't matter that Amazon has raised their minimum wage to $15/hr, it costs $70 bucks for a half tank of gas in their F-350 work truck.

These people didn't face off with BLM last year and they are not protesting in front of any court house today . . .they are too busy trying to keep it all together as the Holidays approach.

Yet these are the folks who do in fact have the skill sets and the tools to that should really scare the left. Now Rittenhouse was/is a young fool. But he has seen to it that he has some level of training as a medic I read. He is also said to have weapons' training. The prosecutor said he had come to a fist fight with a rifle. And that is my point. He not only brought an effective firearm, but had the training to use it effectively under stress. And with enough restraint (remember he was just17 at the time) to only use it to save his own life.

Rittenhouse is a young fool, but many out there asre not, and for the time being they are staying at home . . . .But just knowing they are there should scare the bejesus out of Antifa and BLM . . .and the rest of the left.
while the left is given to violence

it also is nefariously devious

and their forte is in undermining law and the constitution and the American way

they do it by ignoring law or enforcing it incorrectly or having illegitimate court rulings and in using departments of the state against its people, all combined with a news media that helps by commission and omission

that leaves americans to be reactive which can be seen as americans being threats to violence

its like the referee only seeing the last guy who is merely hitting back
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I believe it was a Bernie Bro who opened fire at Republican ball players. It’s communists/socialists who believe killing their political enemies is the way to go, just like it always has been.