The truth of the game

I get alot of shit here. Anyone who knows me knows yes I have a plethora of Intel because I've spent a lot of money. Sometimes 1400 a week. So I spend alot of money sifting through this shit. It's alot of duds. I can't blast them because we are not there yet. I move on. When I came up I wasn't afraid of a scam, police, I was actually afraid of some dude hiding in the shower who might rob me or worse kill me. So if I leave a session alive then that's the main thing.

Guys talk shit about me ,I really don't give a fuck, but this shit is born with blood, sweat, tears and a bunch of money. Yes I don't overpay but it's times when I've been fucked over for some money as well. I charge it to the game and pray for them. At that point that chick is going down a slope that I want no parts of. In a sense she has made it easier to release her and simply pray for the best for her.

I'm thinking more lately I just need to get a girlfriend. This really ain't totally fun anymore and the slightest bullshit makes me just want to say it's not worth it anymore. So to all my detractors yes I talk alot of shit but I take losses too that hurt, which is why I get the most out of every encounter and pay the least amount of money because I know this shit is like hitching a ride on a scorpions back. You get bit and ask the scorpion why did you do that to me!!! The Scorpion says what did you expect me to do.... These females are fun, alot of fun, but they are so wounded they can never be trusted.

That's why I don't overpay and I learned another lesson tonight (I needed this lesson) Disparage me or be smart and get in my inbox and we help each other. I'm bro first because these chicks ..
If your existence here wasn’t such a joke, Shine, I’d say you take this “game” way too seriously.
Michael8219's Avatar
In the year 2023, America is a totalitarian state where the favorite television program is "The Running Man" -- a game show in which famous Johns must run to freedom and get a girlfriend to avoid a brutal death.

Having been made a scapegoat by the government and a few jealous simps, an imprisoned Monger (“P” played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) has the opportunity to make it back to the outside again by being a contestant on the deadly show and finding a true love that will teabag and go BBFS with him, although the twisted host, Damon Killian (Richard Dawson), has no intention of letting him escape.
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^^ you’re funny but sometimes I get lost in your words lol…
So are you still having the two overnights this week?
You are an asshole. In one month you don't see the women I see in a week. Please take Several seats
That's for Bowser
So are you still having the two overnights this week? Originally Posted by arañanegra
Thanks for being respectful. I don't really know. Last night is making me rethink the overnight and the hobby. Had a session just now that didn't do anything to help my confidence at all. I really don't know
I can actually relate to much of what you've shared here. Fuck it. I'll be your girlfriend.
notanewbie's Avatar
froggy style
Hair, nails, lashes, clothes, a purse, a phone, and nee wheels for the rover. You know the routine. Shit!! Boobs! I almost forgot the boobs! And my son broke my playstation.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Watch your language.
Last time I'm going to say that.
In one month you don't see the women I see in a week. Originally Posted by Pitroom
You’re absolutely right about that (if we are to believe what you say about your promiscuity), but I’ll readily admit that I’m a quality-over-quantity kind of dude.