Hope all my Eccie friends are ok

I am without power on the second day running the generator. And I'm over across the freeway from Gallery furniture. So we're sticking it out. Somebody posted on Facebook a cool idea. Whataburgers phone app shows which Whataburgers are open the icon will be Whataburger orange where as opposed black and white well if it's orange that means I have power and they are open that means air conditioning is probably working they're serving food. This can give you an idea of what areas have power. I wonder if other fast food apps do the same thing because Centerpoint is not telling you.
And I was going to post a review right when the power went out so I saved everything to a notepad file so once we get power and internet on my real computer I'll be posting a new review of an independent.
Houston_Native's Avatar
Good idea. However, I went to a whataburger and their lobbies are closed same with a jack in a box across the street. This was off 288 and Orem. Stay safe out there!!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Nearing that 38hrs mark of no electricity
& I'm up north near 99 between 45 & 249
It's starting to be cooler outside than in....

What was the topic again?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I live in the Deer Park/Pasadena area and somehow or another I never lost power. I had around 8 times where the lights dimmed, but never lost power. However I was ready, during the freeze a couple of years ago, I bought a whole home Generac, but I didn't need to use it for Beryl.
I've been running my generator for the past three days during the daytime so I can run a couple of fans and keep the refrigerator going. I've had generator since tropical storm I will send it over the years gotten better ones and I currently have two. One is what is a small one that is a 6.5 KW with a 8.7 surge. The other is a trailer mounted welding machine that has generator circuitry in it which is 10kw. The smaller one only ran for 6 hours and used 4 gallons of gas so everybody be safe make sure you stock up on the gas and hopefully we can get back to the Mischief Mayhem that we love so well
I've been running my generator for the past three days during the daytime so I can run a couple of fans and keep the refrigerator going. I've had generator since tropical storm I will send it over the years gotten better ones and I currently have two. One is what is a small one that is a 6.5 KW with a 8.7 surge. The other is a trailer mounted welding machine that has generator circuitry in it which is 10kw. The smaller one only ran for 6 hours and used 4 gallons of gas so everybody be safe make sure you stock up on the gas and hopefully we can get back to the Mischief Mayhem that we love so well
I have a lot ton of limbs, branches, and the house across the street big tree fell into my yard.

No damage to my house.

No power yet.
we tryin get it all back on(lineman here)....on the bright side for me....butt ton of OT so some extra play money!!!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
we tryin get it all back on(lineman here)....on the bright side for me....butt ton of OT so some extra play money!!! Originally Posted by Footfein75

I worked several storms troubleshooting, and re-fusing line fuses and transformers and during Ike when we worked 16 hour days, I would've swapped some of that good pay you're currently getting for a night off and get 8 hours sleep instead of the normal 3 hours sleep when we were working 16 hour days. I worked 3 straight weeks of 16 hour days, then 2 weeks of 12 hour days. Those were miserable days, not just for the poor people without lights, but for us who were working our asses off.

Stay safe brother.
thanks bro...i worked IKE also....Cpl years ago 55 days str8 on Laura/ Delta in lale charles!!
I have a lot ton of limbs, branches, and the house across the street big tree fell into my yard.

No damage to my house.

No power yet. Originally Posted by Fizley
Damn, didn’t realize Beryl hit Sacramento also.
I'm hoping things are better for all of you finally! I have to be back in Houston this week for business. My hotel says all is good. I'm hoping and praying.