Obama founder of isis

winn dixie's Avatar
Trump announced Obama is the founder of Isis . Then said Hillary was co-founder. His audience didn't even believe that idiotic statement by shitler. I'd post a link to this morning speech but I believe the videos have guideline violations
Jacuzzme's Avatar
“Responsible for” would’ve been a better choice of words.
winn dixie's Avatar
“Responsible for” would’ve been a better choice of words. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He says what he believes in his twisted evil mind. Trumpf is an unhinged lunatic
ICU 812's Avatar
And VP Al Gore said that he invented the internet.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that Senator Mit Romney had not paid incom taxes for ten years, but he had.

senator John Kerry said that he had both voted for and against the war in Iraq.

Candidate Hillery Clinton said that she was named for
Sir Edmond Hillery, but she was not.

A lot of just plain shit gets said about folks during an election year by about everyone.

It is our job as voters to sort through it all.
winn dixie's Avatar
This kind of lies are dangerous and have consequences. Trumpf as a free man is a liability to our democracy
“Responsible for” would’ve been a better choice of words. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Or enabler of ISIS. Remember the beheadings of a few Journalist. They did all kinds of torture one guy was burnt alive in a cage.Obama didn't do much. During Trump's administration ISIS was extinguished.
eyecu2's Avatar
Or enabler of ISIS. Remember the beheadings of a few Journalist. They did all kinds of torture one guy was burnt alive in a cage.Obama didn't do much. During Trump's administration ISIS was extinguished. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If it was extinguished, how did they get reincarnated??

Perhaps its the words used or actually not true about either administration?

Isis is still there, and they have been around a long time. Funny radical middle Eastern crazies are somehow the USA s making or problem to solve. They aren't. That's an exercise in futility and chasing one's own tail.
ICU 812's Avatar
Lies? Well, there are political lies and then there are genuine history changing lies that can affect generations and cost thousands of lives lost.

The uS was involved in the Viet Nam conflice in a less than fully committed wqy. Then the North Vietnamese Navy attacked a US warship in the Gulf of Tonkin. President Johnson (LBJ) went on national telivision to an ounce the attack and ask Congress for a resolution allowing more direct involvement. Congres did as he asked and the Marines landed at Danang to establish a serious presence on the ground.

We all kn ow what came in the next few years. Their names are etched in granite on the Memorial Wall in DC.

But it never hap[pened! Turns out the socalled "attack" never happened . . .it was all made up so the administration could fully invest our m ilitary in the war there.

Now, THAT is a world class lie.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is a liar and racist making these false allegations. I hope Obama sues his ass.
If it was extinguished, how did they get reincarnated??

Perhaps its the words used or actually not true about either administration?

Isis is still there, and they have been around a long time. Funny radical middle Eastern crazies are somehow the USA s making or problem to solve. They aren't. That's an exercise in futility and chasing one's own tail. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Where are they?
This kind of lies are dangerous and have consequences. Trumpf as a free man is a liability to our democracy Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh Please. This country has enough to be concerned about with Biden running loose. He makes some of the dumbest decisions of any president. Trump can't be controlled by the goof balls on the left that's why they hate him so much.
winn dixie's Avatar
Oh Please. This country has enough to be concerned about with Biden running loose. He makes some of the dumbest decisions of any president. Trump can't be controlled by the goof balls on the left that's why they hate him so much. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No America hates trumpf. Making these allegations is dangerous and wrong. Biden does not make unhinged statements like Der fuhrer
No America hates trumpf. Making these allegations is dangerous and wrong. Biden does not make unhinged statements like Der fuhrer Originally Posted by winn dixie
Biden hardly makes any sense. Besides Trump is being used as a tool by Democrats and Rhino's to further divide the country and it's working.
winn dixie's Avatar
Biden hardly makes any sense. Besides Trump is being used as a tool by Democrats and Rhino's to further divide the country and it's working. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Magaism at its best. Not even on topic but attacking its adversary with conspiracy theories.
Trumpf straight up lied about Obama. That's who magas worship?
Saying Obama is the founder of isis.
This is the real divisive shit that's going on
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It speaks volumes when whooker board chatters are better at expressing themselves than the former POTUS.

Thank you MAGAs for putting better words in Twitlers mouth.

He’s a fucking lunatic and y’all just can’t accept it. Trump knows if he says the names Obama or Clinton that the cicadas will start chirping.

Btw — White or rare Black Rhinos? I think a better word would have been RINO. Since this thread seems to be about saying things better, I figured that bore saying.