Jokes and Funny Pictures!

  • MLG
  • 09-16-2010, 07:44 PM
From time to time I run across some funny jokes and really cute pics......I think it would be fun to share some here!!

Come on peeps.....come out and play!

Nothing to break the rules of
John Bull's Avatar
Those are funny, MLG
DallasRain's Avatar

  • MLG
  • 09-17-2010, 09:47 AM
notanewbie's Avatar
A Frenchman, a German, an Irishman and an Englishman are talking together after some rigorous exercise.

'I'm so tired and thirsty,' moaned the Frenchman, 'I think I must have a glass of wine.'

'I'm so tired and thirsty,' responded the German, 'I think I must have a beer.'

'I'm so tired and thirsty,' murmured the Irishman, 'I think I must have a Guinness.'

'I'm so tired and thirsty,' muttered the Englishman, 'I think I must have diabetes.'

And the Frenchman said Fuck you and the lop-eared queen you rode in on. STFU, you British cunt-rag fag.

internet_inventor2's Avatar
NAN, I guess that is the sound of crickets ........
lmfao... too funny