I agree.
Many child rescue organizations are not thrilled with the escort section of backpage being shut down, at least they had some where to look. Thankfully it seems everyone has moved over to W4M so at least they still have that avenue to search for victims on.
Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
My last review (likely the last ever of an Indy I'll ever write) she's one of the leading courtesan activists in the country. So she's aware of and on top of all the current legalese related to the hobby. She informed me that the BP crackdown eminated from a very small town in California with a population maybe the size of aunt Mayberry's farm.
She wasn't sure how the small town had such political clout other than they are a bunch of old religiously conservative people who are retired and have nothing better to do than axe grind.
The point was that their opposition wasn't because of child rescue missions but rather they don't like the concept of escorts. However, they did piggy back off the misfortune of those being trafficked.