The New Sheriff - A difficult choice

It's like do you want Cancer or Ebola. One is slow and painfull, the other fast but extra painfull. Outcome = Same

Plastic Man's Avatar
uh in case ...ya hadnt ...noticed but the election done been ...over an the marxist lesbian islamists ...done lost

...jesus a the jimmie world christ bless the god ...emperor donald john fucking trump!
The emperor's fan club.

uh in case ...ya hadnt ...noticed but the election done been ...over an the marxist lesbian islamists ...done lost Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Ceremony's Avatar
Man. Sure glad I didn't see this before the election. Never heard anyone make this point all last year....
You had to know that Himmary was a Clunt though?? Correct?
Ceremony's Avatar
It would be news if you told me her gunt whistled Yankee Doodle Dandy.
jokacz's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Plastic Man
They are.
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