Just Askin a simple ??
Just wondering heard tell that an Op is only allowed to comment 5 times and then you get your ace spanked ..Been there done that If so can we change that to at least 10 times gives us Hookers a chance to defend ourselves a few more time against all the Hooker Bashing that seems to be taken over S.A."Stupid is as stupid does"
There are a few hundred hookers on ECCIE in San Antonio and a lot posting..... How many are getting bashed?
If your unable to answer Plz point me in the right direction..And also have not got an answer on the spanking I got from a S.A. mod for posting an Thre Ad in A-Town if you guys could answer both that would be so kwel..And plz no answer from your troll Things he say are just STUPID!!
Just Askin a simple ??Originally Posted by Dezirie