Paull Pelosi....Nancy Ryan

Most astute political junkies know that one of the most asinine statements uttered by a Polititian in the past 50 years was that idiot Nancy Pelosi saying...." We have to pass the Bill to see what's in the Bill". Mega Moron.

Now, Paul Ryan, who obviously has been in Washington way too long, just did the same thing. And he is (supposed to be), a Conservative Republican.

I Will admitt, I don't know whether this trade thing is good or bad. Just the fact that President Obama is for it makes me leery.

But regardless of the Bill's merits, as a Republican, channeling Nancy Pelosi is NEVER a good thing.
Most astute political junkies know that one of the most asinine statements uttered by a Polititian in the past 50 years was that idiot Nancy Pelosi saying...." We have to pass the Bill to see what's in the Bill". Mega Moron.

Now, Paul Ryan, who obviously has been in Washington way too long, just did the same thing. And he is (supposed to be), a Conservative Republican.

I Will admitt, I don't know whether this trade thing is good or bad. Just the fact that President Obama is for it makes me leery.

But regardless of the Bill's merits, as a Republican, channeling Nancy Pelosi is NEVER a good thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Most astute political junkies know that quote was taken out of context and that's not at all what she said.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Most astute political junkies know that quote was taken out of context and that's not at all what she said. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I finally figured it out - WR is actually Valerie Jarrett sitting in the oval office private shitter with her pants around her fat ankles and texting on her free obamaphone. No wonder WR has so much time on her hands to address our concerns....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Most astute political junkies know that quote was taken out of context and that's not at all what she said. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Put it in context, "True Genius". Or are you just babbling bullshit again?
Most astute political junkies know that one of the most asinine statements uttered by a Polititian in the past 50 years was that idiot Nancy Pelosi saying...." We have to pass the Bill to see what's in the Bill". Mega Moron.

Now, Paul Ryan, who obviously has been in Washington way too long, just did the same thing. And he is (supposed to be), a Conservative Republican.

I Will admitt, I don't know whether this trade thing is good or bad. Just the fact that President Obama is for it makes me leery.

But regardless of the Bill's merits, as a Republican, channeling Nancy Pelosi is NEVER a good thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S

fuck the uni-party!
Put it in context, "True Genius". Or are you just babbling bullshit again? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So you deny that context is important when trying to understand something? Because I'll have that argument all goddamn day. Open your mind. Just a little bit.
Most astute political junkies know that one of the most asinine statements uttered by a Polititian in the past 50 years was that idiot Nancy Pelosi saying...." We have to pass the Bill to see what's in the Bill". Mega Moron.

Now, Paul Ryan, who obviously has been in Washington way too long, just did the same thing. And he is (supposed to be), a Conservative Republican.

I Will admitt, I don't know whether this trade thing is good or bad. Just the fact that President Obama is for it makes me leery.

But regardless of the Bill's merits, as a Republican, channeling Nancy Pelosi is NEVER a good thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I do think we have been sold out, between Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan being bought off by the special interest groups and voting "yes". This is probably the first time I have ever said, "thank god for unions" and dare I say Nancy Pelosi, as they and a number of Democrats are against it. Please, do we really need another 3 million Americans losing jobs to overseas, becoming more and more a one world nation, soon we will lose all autonomy the oligarchy.
I do think we have been sold out, between Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan being bought off by the special interest groups and voting "yes". This is probably the first time I have ever said, "thank god for unions", as they and a number of Democrats are against it. Please, do we really need another 3 million Americans losing jobs to overseas, becoming more and more a one world nation, soon we will lose all autonomy the oligarchy. Originally Posted by Cherie
The rising cost of labor in china as well as shipping costs are actually shifting some jobs back over here.

Most astute political junkies know that quote was taken out of context and that's not at all what she said. Originally Posted by WombRaider
True, but we live in a world were perception trumps everything. She looked like an idiot deer caught in the headlights when she said it, and every body knows that anybody uttering words even similar will be regarded as being just as stupid as she looked.

It would be as if Hillary, after finally realizing that everybody knows she is a lying sack of shit, said, ala Nixon, "I'm not a crook".
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The rising cost of labor in china as well as shipping costs are actually shifting some jobs back over here.

https://americandragonblogs.wordpres...manufacturers/ Originally Posted by WombRaider
Funny how a free-market economy always rights itself, if government stays out of the way.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
So you deny that context is important when trying to understand something? Because I'll have that argument all goddamn day. Open your mind. Just a little bit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No, no, no, no, no, you're doing it all wrong. Don't "have that agrument all goddamn day", any well intentioned fool can do that and it isn't nearly as fun as what I propose.

Instead the real fun is in seeing how few words you can respond to COG or Iffy or any of the other righties here and make your response as liberal or even socialist/communist as possible (the leftier the better for effect only) and get them to churn themselves into a frothing frenzy so their head spins all 360 degrees around on their shoulders. The real payoff and the high points move is to get them to have to call the ambulance they are so apoplectic or they even drop dead. Now go get'em boy!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Funny how a free-market economy always rights itself, if government stays out of the way. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Oh great, you believe that, so now I have some excellent land in Florida I'd like to sell you. Possibly a bridge too?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I do think we have been sold out, between Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan being bought off by the special interest groups and voting "yes". Originally Posted by Cherie
You're just now figuring that out? Read Flash Boys, or the news articles on the Great Recession.

Oh, then there is that Great Depressions too and Gilded Age for 100 Alex. History is replete with the rich, powerful and righteous selling everybody else out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you deny that context is important when trying to understand something? Because I'll have that argument all goddamn day. Open your mind. Just a little bit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Context is the utmost important. But the context you provided does not change what she said. Even in context, it was a stupid statement, and in context, the meaning stays the same.

But there is good news. Lord BieberDick likes you. You should still go away, however.
Context is the utmost important. But the context you provided does not change what she said. Even in context, it was a stupid statement, and in context, the meaning stays the same.

But there is good news. Lord BieberDick likes you. You should still go away, however. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It wasn't the smartest thing to say, but with the context, at least you get a better understanding of who she was talking to and why she said it.

I ain't going nowhere.