the Texas Rangers and Cole Hamels... any Playoff Chance This Year?

Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm thinking so.. weak division, Rangers have won 2 in a row since Hamels' trade was announced.. I think they have a renewed urgency.. only 3 games under 500, a good 2-week streak puts them near the top in the West.

Hamels debuts tomorrow, I will be there.. last outing he pitched a no-hitter.. looks like the Giants will counter with Mike Leakes, whom they acquired from the Reds last night..

should be interesting.
I hope so. They may be too far out for playoff run this year as they have several teams ahead of them for that #2 WC spot. Both teams ahead of them in the West, LA and Houston, have also greatly improved through trades. I think this move was for next year when they get Darvish back. Each current starting pitcher is signed through at least 2017 and Hamels through 2019 with the team option.

As far as the offense goes, they should be really good with the power hitters they have and the speedsters on the bases. It is a shame they had to give up that catcher Alfaro, he is going to be REAL good when he comes up to the majors.
NTXReggie's Avatar
Always a chance, although I am sure I am not telling you something you don't know when I say this trade was clearly made with 2016-2018 in mind. I think for this season, we are going to have to see a quick turnaround from Perez (think he will be fine long term when he gets settled in after not pitching for so long but it takes a while to get back in groove) and incredible improvement in their home record.

Ten games under at home is abysmal and no excuse for it. Imagine if they had a home record equal to their road record--they would be tied for the best record in the AL and first in the west! But in the Texas heat, now is not the time to be having to improve their home play--should have been padding or at least keeping pace when first pitch was not 100+ degrees for the next month.

So while I will be watching and hoping, I will temper my enthusiasm until we see a .666 or better August and the Rangers firmly in the mix and on a roll entering September. But barring some cataclysmic injury to a key cog or two before next spring, 2016 looks extremely promising. It will be hard to find a better starting rotation in the majors than a healthy Darvish, Hamels, Holland, Perez, and some mix of Lewis/Gallardo/Martinez. I figure either Lewis or Gallardo will not be resigned but who knows. Between even minor injuries, propping up the pen, and the ability to give an extra day of rest or two a month for Darvish/Holland/Perez (all coming off major arm surgeries/injuries), resigning both Lewis and Gallardo would give them almost unheard of starting depth.

Ought to be fun for sure!!! Enjoy the game Chung...drink lots of water!!!
NTXReggie's Avatar
It is a shame they had to give up that catcher Alfaro, he is going to be REAL good when he comes up to the majors.
Yep, me too. But gotta give to get least they did not have to part with Gallo or Mazara, although I hope we did not guess wrong and Nick Williams becomes the star instead of Mazara (both could or both could not--never know with even the best prospects). I wish we could unload Choo, even if just a contract dump with little in return, to make a spot for Mazara in 2016 in right field.

With pitching basically set, I think the Rangers need to focus on a big right handed bat and firm up the outfield. I like what DeShields has shown but long term, he is not our CF answer. I like him as a 4th OF at best. A better back-up at catcher and a stronger utility IF would be nice additions too.

What is ironic is how Josh Hamilton could be the make or break guy heading into next year. If he can remain healthy, clean, and provide average to above average play in LF and at the plate, watch out. Because barring relapse or injury before next season, he will be the LF. If he screws up (please let it happen sooner than later when there are options and not some late spring training cocaine and boob job binge!!!), that creates another hole to fill out there without many options currently on the team or in the pipeline.
Boltfan's Avatar
They have ample games left with the two teams above them in the division that they can still control their own destiny. We have another May and they are set.
If they would have played .500 ball at home, then they would be in first place. I agree, they need a big right handed bat, and to shore up the OF.......DeShields is pretty good, great speed and can hit, Martin is better defensively, but his offense leaves a lot to be desired and neither are really a long term answer. Choo gets paid a lot of money, but the only time I have seen him hustle is when he wanted to leg out that triple to hit for the cycle last week. Rua would be good, but his sporadic playing time is to his detriment of helping the team, and whatever Hamilton does will be a plus, especially since the Angels are picking up 80% of his salary!

The infield is pretty much set for years to come, and if Beltre bolts in FA in a couple of years, Gallo, who is younger, should be able to take his place and definitely has more pop in his bat.

Barring injury, this team will be great for years to come!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I am impressed that the Rangers have now won 3 in a row, since that disaster last Tuesday when they led 5-0 after one inning, only to lose 21-5.. sort of reminds me of a Stock Market bottom when there is mass selling followed by a quick turnaround, LOL..

I think the Hamels trade gave them a spark.. I remember late August of 2011 or 2012 they had a bad streak, Ron Washington gave a dugout talk after a game, in which reporters were not invited.. whatever Wash said sparked a winning streak that carried the team to post-season..

I'm dating myself, but when I was a kid I saw David Clyde's home debut (2nd Major-league outing).. remember him? also saw Nolan Ryan's attempt to win his 300th game (Ryan should have lost, he got a "no-decision", because the Rangers rallied to win in the 11th inning).. tonight should have the same kind of buzz and anticipation..
simply put I do think we have a chance this year. There is energy and chemistry building .. That is the strange thing about baseball. It is not just the stats
NTXReggie's Avatar
I'm dating myself, but when I was a kid I saw David Clyde's home debut
I thought I remember seeing you there Chung!!! LOL I was actually there too. And was there for their first ever game when they moved here from DC. Lots of good memories as a kid--even if most of the time it was rooting for a bad team. Baseball was always my first love and the Rangers were the first local team to come on board when I was a cognizant youth (Cowboys already here; Mavs and Stars followed years later) so the Rangers will always be special to me, even when they are god awful bad.

Several times over the year following Nellie Cruz failing to come up with that ball at the right field wall to seal the World Series, I would wake up from a dream in which he actually made the catch and the Rangers celebrated. A moment of happiness (until I realized it was a dream) turned into the same agonizing gut punch from October 2011. Hopefully the proper moves, starting with Hamels, will finally get us to the top of the mountain. All other local teams have a title, it is now the Rangers' turn. Who knows, with the positive track the Stars and Cowboys are also on building up a contender, it could be a very good couple of upcoming years to be a pro sports fan in Dallas!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar

Several times over the year following Nellie Cruz failing to come up with that ball at the right field wall to seal the World Series, I would wake up from a dream in which he actually made the catch and the Rangers celebrated. A moment of happiness (until I realized it was a dream) turned into the same agonizing gut punch from October 2011. Hopefully the proper moves, starting with Hamels, will finally get us to the top of the mountain. All other local teams have a title, it is now the Rangers' turn. Originally Posted by NTXReggie
oh yes, twice the Rangers were a strike from winning the World Series.. I remember thinking "we won the NBA title and the World Series in the same year", it was a surreal feeling..simply shocking that it didn't turn out to be real.. I got the Blu-ray of that 2011 series, but haven't watched it yet.. still not ready to relive that.

well tonight was a disaster.. probably the worst loss of the year.. my Date wanted to leave early, and when Bannister took Hamels out after 8 2/3, that was the perfect time to leave and beat traffic.. I felt secure that the game was won.. 7-4 lead, need just 4 more outs.. got to the car and turned on the radio, first words were "Hamels will get a no-decision".. what! they tied the damn game??!! and it was still the 8th inning!

I thought Hamels should have completed the game.. was he really sharp? no, but he had enough, only threw 92 pitches.. I think the constant changing pitchers in games is stupid, but that's baseball culture now.. it often happens the brand new pitcher has nothing, and blows the game in 2-3 batters.. why not stick with what you know? Scheppers blows the game, but Bannister will not learn from it..
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Not going to sugar coat it,I'm an Angels fan,if they continue to tank like they have these past five games,Rangers may be able to get into the playoffs.

On a side note I was at the Astros/Angel game this past Tues., Rangers ballpark is a better venue,IMO, although with the roof closed and the air on,the 100*,was much more bearable in Houston.

Was at Dodgers/Rangers game recently,OMG, the heat and humidity was a killer.
Nope no chance this year, need to do a little house cleaning and Hamels is a move for next year. 2016 looks good on paper.
Chung Tran's Avatar
nice to see the Rangers are shaking off last night's disaster.. I think, LOL..

Perez has a one-hitter after 7 innings, 2-0 lead..

they better not fuck this one up..

edit: almost did.. 4-hitter, 2-1 victory..
I'm just not so sure the Rangers can make it. They aren't consistent enough. I hope they can though.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nope no chance this year. Originally Posted by sweet_k47
I'm just not so sure the Rangers can make it. Originally Posted by Massgain
looks like the Rangers think "yes!"

the Rangers sorely need a right-handed batter with some "pop".. hopefully there's enough "pop" left in Napoli's bat, and a lot less "swoosh" than when he was here previously..