the Official ECCIE Dallas First Presidential Debate Reaction Thread

Chung Tran's Avatar
less than 3 hours until "kickoff".. my initial post centers on Mark Cuban's presence.. can you say "conceited"? he is supposed to make Trump nervous somehow?

I find it funny that Cuban believes he matters in the slightest..
Agreed Chung... Do you think MC is looking for a cabinet position or just more limelight?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Agreed Chung... Do you think MC is looking for a cabinet position or just more limelight? Originally Posted by NeilPeart
limelight, I guess.. the Man thinks people care what he thinks.. he reminds me of the line in "The Fiddler on the Roof" that goes, "when you're rich they think you really know".. Cuban missed the satire.
Boltfan's Avatar
Cuban wants to be Ambassador to China.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Now what is everyone think'in?
PeterBota's Avatar
I believe the reckoning is coming. Hildabeast lost to a black nobody. In 2008. She stands no chance. W the boss. I would pay Dickhead Abe to fuck the beast.
She hasn't had dick in 25 years. We can't build walls. We have to break barriers
We're all the same. Yeah sure.
PeterBota's Avatar
Private email cunt
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think the debate was a draw.. the needle didn't move.. Trump beat her on substance, IMO, much more passionate and sharp.. Clinton relied on a few cheap remarks, like the 1973 class-action race lawsuit, where Trump was not guilty.. and the cheap remark at the end, the Hispanic Lady Trump had called a "housekeeper".. boo hoo.. Trump was too classy to bring up shit about Clinton.. the media thinks attacks on Trump are fair game, but he could never ding Hillary and get away with it.

I grew tired of Clinton's fake, big shit-eating grin over the course of 90 minutes.. she looked retarded, quite frankly.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm surprised issues like Clinton's health, emails, "deplorables" statement, immigration, and other issues never came up (save for Trump's offer to trade tax returns for emails).. of course Birther shit was raised, Clinton looked stupid.. "you offended our first African American President", boo hoo.. meanwhile her big supporter Blumenthal had been sent to Kenya to dig up dirt on Obama.. she treated Obama like crap in 2008, but now he's a God Damn King since she's aiming to carry his policies of do-nothingism forward.
Go Hillary Clinton. Women of power
MartinX's Avatar
Hillary Clinton reminds me of Brazilian politicians from the PT (Partido Trabalhista). The dishonesty is so obvious and profound that only a brainwashed or desperate person could possibly vote for her. If she is elected, everyone in this country will understand how devastating this will be. Unfortunately Donald Trump is nothing to write home about either but I will take my chances with him rather than going with someone whom I know is beyond terrible.
CNN is continually saying that Trump blew it and was disorganized but I don't believe that to be true. I was actually a little surprised by his answers.
I noticed media bias as well Maggie... All the networks saying Trump failed and Hillary was at her best looking presidential? Then i took a look at the online polls from the debate and i have yet to find one that shows Hillary winning... Trump is leading by a large margin... Which is a representation of the "real" winner?
I noticed media bias as well Maggie... All the networks saying Trump failed and Hillary was at her best Originally Posted by NeilPeart
Media, whatta shock.
Papa Noel's Avatar
I saw Dumb and Dumber the first time it came out...........didnt feel the need to watch it again.