Choosing Grace

mmcqtx's Avatar
It occurs to me that life comes down to just a couple of handfuls of moments. Do you take that first cigarette? Do you try that first joint? Do you have one more drink and then drive? Are the kinds of decisions we make as we enter adulthood. Then there is that first date, that first kiss, the first time falling in love, the first time having sex. Eventually, we are asked to make decisions about other people, our kids, our siblings, our co-workers, our employees and later in life, our parents.

Choose Grace

When those moments come, or when you just reflect on them choose the path of grace. A path of forgiveness for others, for yourself, for people you've just met. No one is truly a stranger, we are all walking down the same path of life. We are only slightly separated by the questions that were put before us, a rock that altered our path, a gust of wind that caused us to lower our head a little and perhaps lose sight of the straightest road. We can always choose to help others along the path or to chastise others for taking a winding path or for kicking a little dirt upon us as we travel. Choose grace, focus on how we are similar, not how we differ. Put someone on your shoulders and help them see past all of their obstacles. Do this, not just here, but in all phases of your life and what a life you will have led. Your road will straighten out, the sun will shine, the breeze will refresh you and be at your back. When you choose to look back, there will be a smile on your face.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
This is by far the most inspirational and intelligent post I have ever read on this website.

The world would be a much better place if we took your advice mmcqtx.

We are lucky to have you with us on this board. Thank you for sharing your kind words of wisdom with us.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Thank you, sir.
That you for the up lift here. It is truly appreciated.muah
Excellent! Especially on a day when I needed it. I've been rather "catty" this week.

This could have been written by a Hospice Nurse It should be required reading, maybe starting in junior high, but especially for all caregivers, family and medical professionals.

There are NO "DO-OVERS" in this life.

As an example, my neighbor who is 80 (ish)...has TWO sons, both of whom she alienated (no idea how/why) 17 YEARS ago. She is seeing one of her sons for the first time tomorrow. She has ONE grandchild by the other son. She hasn't seen the Grandchild since the kid was 3, now 14. Very SAD that she has missed out on spending some very important and special time with her kids and her only grandchild.
She/they hopefully will be able to make amends....but so much time wasted.