Google voice experts? Weird question...

SeaSalt's Avatar
A provider can send texts to me on her iPhone with her google voice app with no problem but she can't receive texts from me.

Before you say, "Hey dumbass she blocked you. She doesn't want to see you...", this is an ATF and she just left my house and we sat here for a while on my couch looking at our phones and texting each other (Well, she texted me and I'd get it and then I'd text her and it wouldn't show up on her phone...) and trying to make this work.

Used to work just fine, now it doesn't. I'm definitely not blocked. She tried deleting me and restarting her phone a few times. When she restarted, my contact info was gone but when she entered my number my contact info auto populated... We checked all the settings we could think of.

Any ideas? Anybody ever had this happen where just one phone number suddenly wouldn't come through (that she knows of...)? I've searched online and there are a few threads in troubleshooting forums where people have the same issue but the only solutions were to disable google voice... :/ We can set appointments through P411 or here but texting like we used to would be easier.

I figured a lot of people on here probably know the ins and outs of google voice for obvious reasons... Thanks for any help!
johnny_rocketz's Avatar
Try having her switch over to the Hangouts app which is designed to be the future of Google Voice. The Google Voice app is rarely updated and seems to be buggy. Hangouts is updated much more often and is easier to use IMO. The interface is very similar to iMessage. Hangouts has been very reliable for me.
Samcro84's Avatar
Google voice can send and receive texts. But I do not use any APP that is connected to my RW phone. Can have issues with crossover information if not setup correctly.

Try using the web version. They just made a major update a week ago and shit has been acting weird ever since. All of a sudden messages I deleted 9 months ago are back in my history.

Just goes to show you you, nothing is safe with Google. Be smart on your communications.
Dev Null's Avatar
I stopped using Google voice because it's a pain. Splurged on a middle price-range Android and a SIM from Consumer Cellular that works on most unlocked phones, and caller ID says Cell Phone TX.

My voice and data plan with Consumer Cellular is $20 a month for 250 minutes voice, 2000 texts, and 200 MB data. If I go over that, there are no penalties - they just automatically bump me up to the next tier, for a grand total of $5 extra. I can get online and bump myself back down if it was a one-off thing.

Been doing this for about 2 months, and so far so good.
Dev Null's Avatar
Google voice can send and receive texts. But I do not use any APP that is connected to my RW phone. Can have issues with crossover information if not setup correctly.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84
Very true. When I was using Google voice on my RW phone, provider contacts started showing up along with my RW contacts. I was able to get into settings and turn that "feature" off, but that's another reason I decided on a dedicated hobby phone.
Never use the apps. Apps get too many permissions. Just use the web version.
johnny_rocketz's Avatar
I use separate Gmail accounts to manage both my RW and hobby contacts and then sync both accounts on my phone. That way I can keep my RW contacts isolated to my RW Gmail, and the same goes for my hobby Gmail. There is no risk of losing any contact information if my phone is lost or stolen.

I can also choose to not display my hobby contacts within the Contacts app on the phone. Worst comes to worst, I can delete the Hangouts app from my phone and stop syncing my hobby Gmail contacts without losing any info.

You do have to use the web version to manage your contacts, but you can also use the web version to send/receive texts and make voice calls.

It does take a bit of setup, but IMO, it's better than paying for and managing a second phone which I tried when I started in the hobby.
...Just use the web version. Originally Posted by iSeekGreek
The web is where she will find that she did in fact block you. She will need to start a thread by sending you a message. Then on the message she can click your number and remove from blocked callers. This had been an issue I had before.
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 03-06-2017, 11:03 PM
no Google Voice expert but if it were me, I'd give her a new mobile on Google Fi so she can port that number over to a separate phone.