"John Bolton If Your Listening"

themystic's Avatar
Looks like Trumps problems are only beginning

Stay Tuned Trump Trolls
matchingmole's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Mods - kindly delete this thread! It lacks any intelligible subject matter. In other words, it meets the textbook definition of SPAM. Plus the OP can't spell and is currently in the throes of another meltdown.

Thanks in advance!
themystic's Avatar
Mods - kindly delete this thread! It lacks any intelligible subject matter. In other words, it meets the textbook definition of SPAM. Plus the OP can't spell and is currently in the throes of another meltdown.

Thanks in advance! Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes you should delete your post. You have a very controlling behavior. Apparently the regression therapy was unsuccessful. Hang in there Lusty, we will find something that helps you. I agree that the aversion therapy wasn't going to work for you