So I have a question

Hobgoblin's Avatar
Hello and hope you are well.

Hows business lately? More clients than 4-5 years ago or so ?

Seem like it should be going gangbusters since 70% of Men aged 20-34 Are Not Married

Just wondering if reality was matching up to these numbers

Thank you for reading .
Interesting read. I fall into the 70% of unmarried guys aged 20-34 and I don't see myself ever getting married. Why would I? Everything changes when you get married and not for the better. That's why the hobby exists. The man gets what he wants and the lady gets what she wants. No headaches, nagging, fighting, etc. From what I see with all my married friends (at least the ones that are still married) I will avoid marriage like the plague.
Hobgoblin's Avatar
Interesting read. I fall into the 70% of unmarried guys aged 20-34 and I don't see myself ever getting married. Why would I? Everything changes when you get married and not for the better. That's why the hobby exists. The man gets what he wants and the lady gets what she wants. No headaches, nagging, fighting, etc. From what I see with all my married friends (at least the ones that are still married) I will avoid marriage like the plague. Originally Posted by Clark W. Griswold
. Lol great user name, I actually did laugh out loud when I read it. Wish I had thought of it.

. Yeah I saw a stand up comedian one time who said "wait a minute if get married and things don't work out, you get most of my stuff, and I have to pay for the privelidge to see my kids and possibly pay alimony,,,no thanks I'd rather buy lottery tickets ."
It's great that men are less likely to fall for the marriage trap than a generation ago, but how is this supposed to provide more customers for working girls? A single man is free to chase bar sluts or boink his neighbor, a married man needs to practice discretion.