Obama vs. The Sovereign State of Arizona

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Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-29-2010, 09:27 PM
I love my boy the prez. But I do have to say this is one point where I hate politics. The left is to far left and the right is just fucked up. You cant get someone who is just an american, and not Republican or Democrat and just care about the country. The right will sell us all out to make a buck, the left will give all our money away till we're broke. Just to be clear each side wants things with immigration to stay the way they are, one likes the cheap labor the other likes the votes. I dont know what we will do wish we could get a real 3rd party but the big 2 will never let that happen.
Toolman's Avatar
Just to be clear each side wants things with immigration to stay the way they are.... Originally Posted by trey
You are so wrong.
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  • Trey
  • 06-29-2010, 09:58 PM
so what side wants something different? The problem is not new nothing has been done 8years clinton 8 years bush 2 years obama. Do you think clinton did something? Or was it Bush, what did he do that attempted to solve the problem? I dont see how you can say anyone has done anything better then the last guy.
guest042912's Avatar
Don't talk about common sense to toolman all he can do is post the chain mails he receives from his GOP circle jerk buddies. Nothing comes out of his mouth unless it's limbaughs dick.
I love my boy the prez. But I do have to say this is one point where I hate politics. The left is to far left and the right is just fucked up. You cant get someone who is just an american, and not Republican or Democrat and just care about the country. The right will sell us all out to make a buck, the left will give all our money away till we're broke. Just to be clear each side wants things with immigration to stay the way they are, one likes the cheap labor the other likes the votes. I dont know what we will do wish we could get a real 3rd party but the big 2 will never let that happen. Originally Posted by trey
What is wrong with the Libertarian party? And it isn't the big 2 that will never let it happen, it is the voters that will vote for the less or two evils.
I love my boy the prez. But I do have to say this is one point where I hate politics. The left is to far left and the right is just fucked up. You cant get someone who is just an american, and not Republican or Democrat and just care about the country. The right will sell us all out to make a buck, the left will give all our money away till we're broke. Just to be clear each side wants things with immigration to stay the way they are, one likes the cheap labor the other likes the votes. I dont know what we will do wish we could get a real 3rd party but the big 2 will never let that happen. Originally Posted by trey
Dayum, everytime I say "I love my boy the prez" I get looked at like a cracka racist...must be nice.

Trey, a Republican state lawmaker submitted the AZ law and a Republican Gov signed it into law.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-29-2010, 11:33 PM
Dayum, everytime I say "I love my boy the prez" I get looked at like a cracka racist...must be nice.

Trey, a Republican state lawmaker submitted the AZ law and a Republican Gov signed it into law. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I dont know if you are a "craka racist" you dont have to like him, it does not make you a racist.

good for the republican state lawmaker and the governor what about the rep president, what did he do.
Had a fence built, added more border patrol... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_...States_barrier

Plus unemployment was around 5% during years of his term.

You've got internet Trey...do you really want answers?
Plus unemployment was around 5% during years of his term.

You've got internet Trey...do you really want answers? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are these the "answers" that you are referring to?

Quote from Wikipedia:

After an economic slowdown, the (unemployment) rate rose again to 6.1% in August 2008 and up to 7.2% in December 2008. From December 2007 when the recession started to December 2008, an additional 3.6 million people became unemployed. And, in January 2009, his (GW's) last month in office, the nation lost 655,000 jobs, raising the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent, the highest level in more than 15 years.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-30-2010, 09:03 AM
Had a fence built, added more border patrol... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_...States_barrier

Plus unemployment was around 5% during years of his term.

You've got internet Trey...do you really want answers? Originally Posted by gnadfly
come on man if he was doing good with the economy we would still have a republican president.

Fucking illegals built the damn fence, and fuck the fence anyway what the hell is that gonna do. "Damn Paco look a fence we cant get over that damn Americans have screwed us now, FUCK a FENCE what will we do" well they cut holes in it and go to the other side.

look if bush, clinton, or obama wanted to fix the problem all they have to do is send the national guard of each boarder state to the area and put them on a real patrol. I know you will say he sent a 1000 people, thats not good enough he knew it, you know it.

look im not saying obama is right, I think they are all full of shit on both sides. But the way some of you think the republicans would do better is crazy. They just got finished not doing shit, I think the AZ law should pass for all states, hell its really a law to enforce the law. The national GOV wont touch the subject and wont do anything about it republicans or democrat.
Are these the "answers" that you are referring to?

Quote from Wikipedia:

After an economic slowdown, the (unemployment) rate rose again to 6.1% in August 2008 and up to 7.2% in December 2008.... Originally Posted by bintex

bintex raises his head from the peanut gallery...

Your reading comprehension hasn't improved bin. I said 'during years of his term' not thru his entire presidency. Indeed it is true:


Indeed, many of the GWB years had unemployment in the 5's or below. The point being is that 5% unemployment is considered 'full employment' and people aren't concerned about illegal immigrants taking their jobs when there is 'full employment'.

Typical troll post of yours bin.
Is anyone really suprised at this guy? He fell into a good gig he would NEVER have won if it were not for the hatred of GWB. He couldnt find a fix for anything with both his money grabbing hands. The guy and his lot are a bunch of liberal crazies who damn sure are not going to throw out the illegals. They will make them all legal citizens and count the votes. This guy is the worst possible scenario at a bad time during our history. GWB crawled away from the camera and when he was in front of it he was a shame. But the FACTS remain that Bill Clintons forced loan policies and GWB's ego caused the financial meltdown. No 2 ways about it. But throwing this guy in the mix was like throwing nitro on a blaze. Its the perfect storm for him and his crew. The more dependents they can create the more dependents they have and thats a numbers game. He isnt going to do shit that will cost him a vote, he cares nothing about america, its borders or its history and traditions. The liberals have been clinging on for years hoping that this kind of storm would occur, it did and pounce they have. To all you slaves to the state, enjoy. For the rest of us. Duck and cover.
boardman's Avatar
Is anyone really suprised at this guy? He fell into a good gig he would NEVER have won if it were not for the hatred of GWB. He couldnt find a fix for anything with both his money grabbing hands. The guy and his lot are a bunch of liberal crazies who damn sure are not going to throw out the illegals. They will make them all legal citizens and count the votes. This guy is the worst possible scenario at a bad time during our history. GWB crawled away from the camera and when he was in front of it he was a shame. But the FACTS remain that Bill Clintons forced loan policies and GWB's ego caused the financial meltdown. No 2 ways about it. But throwing this guy in the mix was like throwing nitro on a blaze. Its the perfect storm for him and his crew. The more dependents they can create the more dependents they have and thats a numbers game. He isnt going to do shit that will cost him a vote, he cares nothing about america, its borders or its history and traditions. The liberals have been clinging on for years hoping that this kind of storm would occur, it did and pounce they have. To all you slaves to the state, enjoy. For the rest of us. Duck and cover. Originally Posted by chrome1996
Not surprised in the least. You hit the nail on the head. They are creating votes any way they can. Creating more government dependency, giving amnesty to illegals. What next? Raising the dead? Oh, wait ACORN already did that.
come on man if he was doing good with the economy we would still have a republican president.

Fucking illegals built the damn fence, and fuck the fence anyway what the hell is that gonna do. "Damn Paco look a fence we cant get over that damn Americans have screwed us now, FUCK a FENCE what will we do" well they cut holes in it and go to the other side.

look if bush, clinton, or obama wanted to fix the problem all they have to do is send the national guard of each boarder state to the area and put them on a real patrol. I know you will say he sent a 1000 people, thats not good enough he knew it, you know it.

look im not saying obama is right, I think they are all full of shit on both sides. But the way some of you think the republicans would do better is crazy. They just got finished not doing shit, I think the AZ law should pass for all states, hell its really a law to enforce the law. The national GOV wont touch the subject and wont do anything about it republicans or democrat. Originally Posted by trey
Have you been down to the border Trey? You ought to go to Nuevo Laredo, pay the cab driver $10 and tell him to take you to "La Zona." It will take the edge off of the anger towards the "FUCKING FENCE."

Sorry, but the fence stopped some people. Yes, they destroyed parts of it and walked around other parts. Putting more border patrol on the border stopped more illegal immigration. We don't have enought national guardsmen to stop completely illegal immigration even if we weren't in Afghanistan and Iraq. It wouldn't make a difference now because millions of illegals from MX are already embedded into the country. We'd have to go house to house, strip mall to strip mall, la pulga a la pulga to repatriot them.

But you are right to some extent that its a matter of "Presidential Will." They are ultimately responsible for enforcing the law and the last few haven't made it a priority. None will take the draconian and ultimately politically suicidal steps necessary to reduce it to an acceptable level. That means tossing people - and their children - who have been living here for years out of the country.

So we have 10+ million illegals in the country stressing the system. What do we do? The Dems just want to give them legal status and perhaps get some tax out of them. That will just open the floodgates of more illegals. The Republicans want them tossed out. The compromise will be to eventually grant them status with the understanding we'll lock down the country to further "reconquista." That will have to be proven beforehand before its passed.

There are several ways illegal immigration can be slowed. Legalize drugs, more prosecution of employers, fewer ESL programs, not treating people at hospitals, cops asking for papers at obvious day labor spots, etc Unfortunately Obama's "strategy" is to drive the country's economy in the ground so that there is no incentive for Mexicans to come here and stay.