Congrats Cocoa hott

Provider of the day.
+1 ... Although it's a random selection (from what I understand), it's always nice to be recognized. Congrats, Cocoa!
algrace's Avatar
before reading the rest of the post, I nearly thought she was being congratulated on a healthy delivery - Congrats if that is also the case!
JCM800's Avatar
+1 ... Although it's a random selection (from what I understand), it's always nice to be recognized. Congrats, Cocoa! Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
it could be through extensive research...

...or maybe the mods all gather and vote daily.

BottomFeederKC's Avatar
before reading the rest of the post, I nearly thought she was being congratulated on a healthy delivery - Congrats if that is also the case! Originally Posted by algrace
Wow. Not sure that's your place to announce something like that. Call me crazy, but maybe she should do that.

Unless you are the father, of course.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Wow. Not sure that's your place to announce something like that. Call me crazy, but maybe she should do that.

Unless you are the father, of course. Originally Posted by BottomFeederKC
She has previously mentioned her pregnancy in her last ad--
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
Yeah, I know. But should clients really be taking it upon themselves to announce the birth of someone else's child? That doesn't come across as being a slight bit inappropriate or tactless to you?
BFKC... FWIW, I didn't read algrace's post that he was announcing the birth (which I agree with you is no one's job to announce other than the mother, the baby daddy or the grandparents), but that he was only speculating that her delivery was the reason for the Congrats thread before he opened it up, only to find it was just the Provider of the Day designation.
algrace's Avatar
quick to apologize - sorry if my speculation was cause for alarm. I am unaware whether or not the mother-to-be has, in fact, delivered.
Again, congrats to Cocoa Hott as POTD!