Oase or Palace and more

  • K G G
  • 10-08-2013, 08:14 PM
So I am going to be in the area in a few... which place should I choose north of Frankfurt? Both places have awesome reviews here.

Secondly, how does one secure his valuables in these places (lockers?) and at the same time keep cash handy to pay at time of service ? Confused..
SpursFan's Avatar
Oase is a bit out of the way but accessible via metro and cab and has outdoor venue too. If you have several days to kill you should try it at least once.

There is a man made hill with steps going to a gazebo like structure with a bed and a hung mirror. My travel group named it mount Olympus and each of us had a chance to partake in the ravaging lovely young ladies.

The Palace is centrally located close to downtown and is sleek and has the most aggressive ladies I have ever met. Much more convenient to visit while in town.

Both clubs provide wrist bands with a key to dual lockers. A locker for your clothes and shoes in the men's changing room and a smaller locker by the main bar which probably has a camera facing it for security. Think mail boxes.

You pay the lady after services are rendered so you need to know how much funds you have or you may face an embarrassing moment...

Good luck,

FootLong's Avatar
SF is right on. If you are staying in Frankfurt, Palace is easier to get to as it is in Frankfurt proper. But Oase, about 25 minutes North, has way more ladies and play spaces. You can get there via a combination of U-Bahn or S-Bahn and cab, or directly if you have a rental car.
  • K G G
  • 10-10-2013, 09:09 AM
excellent info gentlemen.txs. I have a rental and gps...so either place is good to go.

SF what do you mean by aggressive ladies?
SpursFan's Avatar
Usually at an FKK there are safe zones where one can sit without being approached.

In this case, every single place I went to (batteries needed charging) I was approached by ladies who seemed to not understand that no thank you is no thank you.

Even when I found a cot to take a nap, at least 5 ladies stopped by to interrupt me.

Perhaps it's my point of view but more ladies at the Palace were soliciting their services as compared to Oase.

Oh yeah, later on my posse and I found the safe zone by the sauna area at the Palace.

genus's Avatar
  • genus
  • 10-28-2013, 11:41 PM
stupid question do they only take euro's no dollars or ccards? also i have never been to a place like this before but do u basically roam around in a towel only? if so how do u handle\hide the money?
FootLong's Avatar
Euros...though in some places you may be able to nego with the girl and pay her dollars, but I have never done that or seen that.

You roam around in towel or robe. Only.

Money remains in your safety deposit box where you go after a session to retrieve the required amount. All you carry around is the key.

Read some more reviews in this section. Some describe the whole scene and procedure and answer these kinds of questions.