The WSJs 1st (of many to come) attempt to set the talking points agenda and shift things in favor of corporatists Jeb Bush.

I hope conservatives don't buy what the WSJ is selling.

The article is behind a paywall, but if you google "Waiting For Captain AMerica" you will be routed to the full story.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Considering amnesty (illegal immigration), common core (education), scandal gate (name them) and his squishy position of so many things it will be hard to support Bush in the general election much less the primaries even if he demonstrates that he has a good team. I am sure that other candidates will have just as good a time and maybe even some of the same people. All in all, it is way too early to pick anyone other than to have a crush on someone. At least the GOP has choices.

A candidate that divides the GOP/Conservative/Christian Psycho/Tea Party types and will cause a blood bath in the primaries.....Jeb will have to spend a gazillion dollars. And, when he wins the nomination, the psycho part of the base (that's you asshats) will stay home for the general.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Weren't you saying that Romney was going to do that?
Weren't you saying that Romney was going to do that? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did he win?

A candidate that divides the GOP/Conservative/Christian Psycho/Tea Party types and will cause a blood bath in the primaries.....Jeb will have to spend a gazillion dollars. And, when he wins the nomination, the psycho part of the base (that's you asshats) will stay home for the general. Originally Posted by timpage
I agree. Bring on Bush. In the end I have a feeling that even some conservatives will have a hard time pulling the lever for another Bush without throwing up in their mouth a little.