lab test for insect bite

VitaMan's Avatar
Can anyone advise or recommend a lab you can go to have some testing done for
an insect bite ?

Most labs only do this test with a doctor written request, so having trouble finding one. They are advising it would be an allergy test to determine the reaction to the insect bite. They are not saying they can determine what insect it is.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-18-2019, 12:20 PM
^how do you know it was an insect bite? strep and esp. staph can look similar to an insect or spider bite.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Unless your pecker fell off this probably belongs in the litter box not co-ed
VitaMan's Avatar
It was an insect bite, because it happened during the night when sleeping.

Thanks for the healthlab info.....but it looks like they only do insect bees, hornets, wasps, those kinds.

What is a good allergy medication besides Benadryl ?
CurvyKatie's Avatar
What kind of bite do you think it is? Spider?

I think all over the counter antihistamines are gonna be the same, benadryl, dramamine, dimetapp, etc.

And then there is Allegra, Zyrtec, Clarinex

Hopefully someone who knows something more than I do can chime in.

Edit to say I hope they PM you, since not only does it go in the Sandbox, but but I think giving any real advice is against the rules.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-18-2019, 06:55 PM
Claritin for daytime. if the inflammation gets worse (burning, swelling, redness), go see a doctor.
boardman's Avatar
if the inflammation gets worse (burning, swelling, redness), go see a doctor. Originally Posted by pxmcc

6 hours later and it's not any better? Get off the SHMB and seek professional help...
Slitlikr's Avatar
If it's got 2 small punctures, it's a spider.
Black widow or brown recluse bites are serious.
I once had a small ' bite'
Did not get better in fact it got worse
Saw the GP and he sent me to the hospital because it could be MRSA
Admitted w/o problem
had minor surgery to remove the cyst

I was told, at one time MRSA was rare, only saw that in hospitals , now it is all over
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Take Benadryl, ice it, then hydrocortisone cream.
Seriously all this over a bug bite. lol

Did you cry? might want to be glad it wasn't a snake bite on your ass.
You might have a problem finding someone to suck the poison out.
PeterPipeHer's Avatar
Probably mosquito bite
VitaMan's Avatar
Getting old, tbone.....and boring. Enjoy your can of beans.

Lester, TX bugs are 10 times the size of the ones in VA
Then again it could be gout
Hand swelled up , painful went to the ER, took X rays in case if I had a broken bone.
gave me two shots went away

Then two months later the OTHER hand did the exact same thing, they said go to GP and run a test for gout which it was