Biden administration success

VitaMan's Avatar
The policy was developed in coordination with the Biden-Harris Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force, U.S. Department of Transportation and multiple supply chain stakeholders.

The Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach announced today a further postponement of the "Container Dwell Fee." After meetings today with U.S. Port Envoy John Porcari, ocean liner companies and marine terminal operators, the two ports said the fee will not be considered
prior to Dec. 6.

Since the fee was announced on Oct. 25, the twin ports have seen a combined decline of 37% in aging cargo on the docks.
Trying to fix problems he created...what a success!!
You forget to mention the oil BRANDON released from the SPR...Ol' stokey started a thread on that that "success story" Here it is read it!!
bambino's Avatar
Wow!!! I saw that a medical report on the findings from the annual physical exam for the character Joey “Bribes” Biden was released today.

I gave it a read. After all, this character claims to be 78 years of age.

I am 69. So 78 does not seem old to me.

I do know that at my age, an annual physical exam requires a cognitive function test be performed. Remember when President Trump publicly discussed how his cognitive function test was performed? President Trump passed. On my last cognitive function exam, I passed too.

It feels good to have something in common with a great man like President Trump.

I could not find the results of Bribes’ cognitive function test in the written report circulating today.

Does anyone know if this Bribes character passed his test??? If he did, WATCH OUT!!! A normal result may be FAKE.

Just sayin.’

Lin ��❤️����
VitaMan's Avatar
It's a success.

When facts are staring at you, the thing to do is man up and admit it. If not, you sound like a person who can't take "yes" for an answer.

And no, the Biden administration did not create the port congestion in less than a year. Port congestion has been a growing problem for years and years.
It's a success.

When facts are staring at you, the thing to do is man up and admit it. If not, you sound like a person who can't take "yes" for an answer.

And no, the Biden administration did not create the port congestion in less than a year. Port congestion has been a growing problem for years and years. Originally Posted by VitaMan
The Biden Administration is a success alright. A successful failure put that in your pipe and smoke it, dumb the fuck on.
It's a success.

When facts are staring at you, the thing to do is man up and admit it. If not, you sound like a person who can't take "yes" for an answer.

And no, the Biden administration did not create the port congestion in less than a year. Port congestion has been a growing problem for years and years. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yeah shelfs have been bare for years and inflation has been out of control for years and gas price have been higher then three bucks a gallon for years...that's why BRANDON approval rating has dropped to 38%...and where will it bottom out at with less that a year in office? Wake up and get your head out of the sand.
The 2022 elections, just the Virginia elections are going to kick the libtards assess...and rightfully so. How do you like the music they play when BRANDON walks away after complete incoherent statements without taking ANY questions? Have President's been doing that for years also?? The senile old goat is a COMPLETE disaster and you keep simping for him.
Your threads on BRANDON'S acomplishments are as bad as Ol' stokeys thread about the tickle of oil from the SPR was a accomplishment of BRANDON'S!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper Hyperinflation ,,,,, Oh by the way ALL the Cali regulations are the port issues ,,,Fix anything sorry
LSM is trying hard But NO
VitaMan's Avatar
Topic of the's a success. Can't take "yes" for an answer.

"A blind man can only see what is in his mind."
"A blind man can only see what is in his mind." Originally Posted by VitaMan
You're the prime example...
VitaMan's Avatar
Copying is a form of flattery.

Keep it up. You are so far on TiLT you may soon be unrepairable.

Look in the mirror and read your threads out loud....if you were able to see the mirror.
Best to read them in DRAMATIC fashion, with use of fonts, capitals and bold speech.
Why suspend a policy that was working so well? The number of cargo ships still floating out in the Pacific, waiting to dock, are still numerous.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yupper Hyperinflation ,,,,, Oh by the way ALL the Cali regulations are the port issues ,,,Fix anything sorry
LSM is trying hard But NO
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Easy does it
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It took years and years...hmmmm, who runs California, Los Angeles and Long Beach? Democrats maybe? Years and years? So why did Biden and his flying monkeys even deny that there was a back log until it could not be denied? Seems that good old Joe was oblivious to the problem. Of course, Petey was on the job....except that he wasn't on the job. He was home while billions of dollars of problems were adrift at sea. So, three ports start working 24/7 but only one continued to do so...accept they had no trucks show up to pick up loads. Long Beach has gone back to normal hours.

Yeah, a victory for good old Joe but not for the rest of us.
This thread just like all the others threads of his regarding libtard "accomplishments" ...more bloated gumment!!
When he said gumment was "efficient" I realized he wasn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier!!
I'm glad the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial was BRANDON'S fault...aren't you VM??
tman1847's Avatar
WHOA! "When facts are staring at you, the thing to do is man up and admit it."

Where is the poster who was doing the covid Trump death count in 2020, Biden just surpassed it and has 3 vaccines. And he continues to infect our citizens shipping non vaccinated illegal's all over the country.

How about the poster who bragged about Biden's Foreign Policy Chairmanship. Our European allies hate us for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. France hates us for "screwing" them on their submarine deal.

Biden's made such a mess of immigration he just reinstituted Trump's stay in Mexico policy.

Planning on giving illegal's reparations for separations Obama started.

Gas Prices off the charts, Biden begging Putin to produce and sell us more gas. Closing our pipeline and approving Putin's.

Inflation the highest it's been in 6 decades

Crime and murder peaking.

Instead of uniting the country, he's divided it even more

If something happens to Biden, we are going to have the most racist, despicable President's in the country's history.

So when are you girlie boi's, aka "Biden Bitches" going to grow some "balls" and admit you made a mistake voting for that POS

P.S. "A blind man can only see what is in his mind."