Trump, O'Reilly admit having gotten booster shit...crowd boos

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  • WTF
  • 12-21-2021, 05:21 AM

If you don’t want to take it, you shouldn’t be forced to take it,” he said to some cheers. “No mandates, but take credit because we saved tens of millions of lives.”
bambino's Avatar
Sounds right.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2021, 06:09 AM
"...we saved tens of millions of lives.” Originally Posted by WTF
Sounds right. Originally Posted by bambino
So you finally admit that the vaccine has saved tens of millions of lives?
bambino's Avatar
So you finally admit that the vaccine has saved tens of millions of lives? Originally Posted by WTF
Agree with no mandates. Fully vaccinated people have died. It’s your choice. He was saying lockdowns would have killed people too. We avoided that because he got the vaccines out under EUA. Fucked the DS/Cabals plan.
bambino's Avatar
I see many replies attacking President Trump for recommending the “vaccine.” Is he doing so to reduce the fear factor? Time will tell.

President Trump has consistently opposed mandates. The character Biden has quickly pushed mandates. The enemy has revealed its plan.

I have been consistent in my belief that our country is engaged at this time in a non-shooting war. We were attacked with a planned bioweapon. Our federal elections are critical infrastructure and federal elections were subjected to cyberattacks in November of 2020 and again in January of 2021 (GA Senate runoff).

I believe President Trump is a wartime Commander in Chief who faces extremely difficult choices to protect, defend, and preserve our nation and our freedom.

I believe We The People should wait until ALL the facts are known before passing judgment on the President’s wartime strategy and tactics designed to achieve victory. The military and its Commander have employed the tactic of military deception. Research General Patton for example.

I don’t think it is smart to reveal your tactics and timing to the enemy. Do you?

This war is being fought on many fronts and it is not inconceivable that in time, it could evolve into a shooting war. We must be FEARLESS and prepared at all times for an uncertain future.

No one should blame the President for the individual’s decision to take the “vaccine.” ALL individuals bear the responsibility for the consequences of the decisions he or she makes.

We should make our own medical decisions based on our own information with or without the input of informed medical providers as we choose the case to be.

President Trump is not a medical doctor. He can speak for himself as to his own decisions and thoughts but in the end, we are the ones who must make our own decisions.
bambino's Avatar
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

FDR was right when he made this statement in 1933.

One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is FEAR.

God did not create His children with a spirit of FEAR. Rather, He created His children with a spirit of FEARLESSNESS.

Covid-19 was an integral part of the enemy’s plan to install one world government. The Commie Deep State Mockingbird Propaganda media instilled FEAR in the American public 24/7 with its exaggerated and often outright false claims of rising death tolls from Covid-19. The enemy wanted to shut down and lock down our country with FEAR.

The enemy would have correctly claimed that it would take years to develop and test a true vaccine.

Can you imagine the devastating impact on life, liberty, and property our nation would have experienced if we had been totally shut down and locked down for 1-3 years or longer waiting for the alleged development of a true vaccine. Even then, did the enemy plan to really provide a true vaccine for Covid—19? Or was the enemy plan to develop a “vaccine” that would further the enemy’s goal of depopulation?

I believe President Trump outmaneuvered the enemy with Operation WarpSpeed. I believe that Operation WarpSpeed has many purposes.

The rapid development of an emergency “vaccine” prevented the enemy from shutting down and locking down our nation by overcoming the FEAR factor. As a result, the nation had the time to become informed about the TRUTH of Covid-19. With this information, FEAR also subsided as many then refused to voluntarily take the “vaccine.”

The enemy’s next tactic was then revealed sooner than the enemy had planned - mandates. Forced “vaccinations.” How is that working out in a nation founded on freedom, including medical freedom?

In addition to the WarpSpeed “vaccine” President Trump and other knowledgeable individuals quickly informed the public of safe and effective therapeutic treatments available for Covid-19.
  • Tiny
  • 12-21-2021, 06:57 AM
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

FDR was right when he made this statement in 1933.

One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is FEAR.

God did not create His children with a spirit of FEAR. Rather, He created His children with a spirit of FEARLESSNESS.

Covid-19 was an integral part of the enemy’s plan to install one world government. The Commie Deep State Mockingbird Propaganda media instilled FEAR in the American public 24/7 with its exaggerated and often outright false claims of rising death tolls from Covid-19. The enemy wanted to shut down and lock down our country with FEAR.

The enemy would have correctly claimed that it would take years to develop and test a true vaccine.

Can you imagine the devastating impact on life, liberty, and property our nation would have experienced if we had been totally shut down and locked down for 1-3 years or longer waiting for the alleged development of a true vaccine. Even then, did the enemy plan to really provide a true vaccine for Covid—19? Or was the enemy plan to develop a “vaccine” that would further the enemy’s goal of depopulation?

I believe President Trump outmaneuvered the enemy with Operation WarpSpeed. I believe that Operation WarpSpeed has many purposes.

The rapid development of an emergency “vaccine” prevented the enemy from shutting down and locking down our nation by overcoming the FEAR factor. As a result, the nation had the time to become informed about the TRUTH of Covid-19. With this information, FEAR also subsided as many then refused to voluntarily take the “vaccine.”

The enemy’s next tactic was then revealed sooner than the enemy had planned - mandates. Forced “vaccinations.” How is that working out in a nation founded on freedom, including medical freedom?

In addition to the WarpSpeed “vaccine” President Trump and other knowledgeable individuals quickly informed the public of safe and effective therapeutic treatments available for Covid-19. Originally Posted by bambino
Good. I trust you‘ve done your part for Trump’s legacy and America by getting the vaccine and booster.
I see many replies attacking President Trump for recommending the “vaccine.” Is he doing so to reduce the fear factor? Time will tell.

President Trump has consistently opposed mandates. The character Biden has quickly pushed mandates. The enemy has revealed its plan.

I have been consistent in my belief that our country is engaged at this time in a non-shooting war. We were attacked with a planned bioweapon. Our federal elections are critical infrastructure and federal elections were subjected to cyberattacks in November of 2020 and again in January of 2021 (GA Senate runoff).

I believe President Trump is a wartime Commander in Chief who faces extremely difficult choices to protect, defend, and preserve our nation and our freedom.

I believe We The People should wait until ALL the facts are known before passing judgment on the President’s wartime strategy and tactics designed to achieve victory. The military and its Commander have employed the tactic of military deception. Research General Patton for example.

I don’t think it is smart to reveal your tactics and timing to the enemy. Do you?

This war is being fought on many fronts and it is not inconceivable that in time, it could evolve into a shooting war. We must be FEARLESS and prepared at all times for an uncertain future.

No one should blame the President for the individual’s decision to take the “vaccine.” ALL individuals bear the responsibility for the consequences of the decisions he or she makes.

We should make our own medical decisions based on our own information with or without the input of informed medical providers as we choose the case to be.

President Trump is not a medical doctor. He can speak for himself as to his own decisions and thoughts but in the end, we are the ones who must make our own decisions. Originally Posted by bambino
I hope you cut and pasted this from someone because this is some real looney toon shit.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Despite Being Vaccinated, NEW YORK Hits Highest Daily Covid Infection Ever - MI, MN, VT, and MD Also See Surging Numbers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks for hijacking again.

How many people stayed TF away from the Dick and Dong show?

Looks like he should have done it in movie theaters.
... Good thread and responices here.

... yes, Trump got booed for 3 seconds for saying He got
the booster vax... Same-way He got booed for mentioning
Pelosi and saying "Now, I gotta be nice" - while on the
campaign tour last year.

... I even get booed in the Forum here on occasion.
It's surely the Price of Fame!

... Reckon the GREAT fellow Harry Kewell said it best:
"Fans PAY the money - they got the right to boo if they want."

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
I see many replies attacking President Trump for recommending the “vaccine.” Is he doing so to reduce the fear factor? Time will tell.

President Trump has consistently opposed mandates. The character Biden has quickly pushed mandates. The enemy has revealed its plan.

I have been consistent in my belief that our country is engaged at this time in a non-shooting war. We were attacked with a planned bioweapon. Our federal elections are critical infrastructure and federal elections were subjected to cyberattacks in November of 2020 and again in January of 2021 (GA Senate runoff).

I believe President Trump is a wartime Commander in Chief who faces extremely difficult choices to protect, defend, and preserve our nation and our freedom.

I believe We The People should wait until ALL the facts are known before passing judgment on the President’s wartime strategy and tactics designed to achieve victory. The military and its Commander have employed the tactic of military deception. Research General Patton for example.

I don’t think it is smart to reveal your tactics and timing to the enemy. Do you?

This war is being fought on many fronts and it is not inconceivable that in time, it could evolve into a shooting war. We must be FEARLESS and prepared at all times for an uncertain future.

No one should blame the President for the individual’s decision to take the “vaccine.” ALL individuals bear the responsibility for the consequences of the decisions he or she makes.

We should make our own medical decisions based on our own information with or without the input of informed medical providers as we choose the case to be.

President Trump is not a medical doctor. He can speak for himself as to his own decisions and thoughts but in the end, we are the ones who must make our own decisions. Originally Posted by bambino
Great post Bambino
Yssup Rider's Avatar
800,000 dead people and were still waiting for all the facts.