Need a Car

Ana Maria's Avatar
The engine on mine blew out
Would do a trade off if you have a car you do Not use and runs well
PM me if your interested
I'm serious
I will dedicate Myself to you
I take arrangements seriously
and make them priority
I have no pictures in my showcase but can email recent ones
Send me your email address or a good way in which we can correspond
Carlos Danger's Avatar
The puddle under your chair jus tickles me to death! Sorry I have no car, but I do have hobby rims available. In the meantime consider renting a limo to be whisked away in

Kay of Houston's Avatar
Where are you located?
Ana Maria's Avatar
I will think about getting some hobby rims from you on my next vehicle
larryheadboard's Avatar
Are you still needing a vehicle?
Are still in a need of vehicle?
Ana Maria's Avatar
Yes just something that runs