hey guys wanted to apologize

Today didn't let me play today I'm mad too. All those I supposed to meet with please don't hold it against me. I'll let you punish me properly. So people if could just give me patient that would be great thank.
Hey lady...hope you are ok!!!
I will see you soon,
Caitie Mae's Avatar
I can certainly relate to this post. I know from experience that it sucks to be at the mercy of a day gone off the rails, leaving a trail of obligations unmet.

I feel your pain.

Ihope everything turns out as you need it to be.

playerplano's Avatar
Hey SexyP keep your head up and take care of business. Really make it up to your clients don't just give it lip service ( pun intended). I don't think you have to give away any sessions but you should try to make the sessions awesome and maybe a little extra time ?

Not trying to tell you how to run your business but I have heard "I'll make it up to you " and it just never happened.
  • !VI!
  • 11-29-2015, 07:46 AM
no worries sweetheart <3 i've got your back thick and thin
gimme_that's Avatar
I thought this was a thread about her being on the rag or something?

If a thread has to be posted to apologize......there must have been many a guy left stiffed.

Otherwise I'm sure she could have communcated with them privately.

So offering extra to those affected won't be moreso to her benefit. Otherwse those guys would be taking advantage of her time.
Well i am playing today so and have specials
Want to get together today Sexy??