Has anyone double blindfolded before?

nightengale1973's Avatar
I have an image of both parties blindfolded, blindly caressing and fondeling each other in an extended, slow, sensuous session with seductive music like Enigma and Sade. Has anyone ever tried a session like that? I'm thinking it would be Very erotic.
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
NO but sounds interesting. *thinking who would be a good provider for this* any Ideas?
Enigma ...visions of Dana Delaney in " Exit To Eden " come to mind ...and yes I've done it before it was pretty hot because neither one knew what was coming next ..wanna try it darlin ?

nightengale1973's Avatar
Enigma ...visions of Dana Delaney in " Exit To Eden " come to mind ...and yes I've done it before it was pretty hot because neither one knew what was coming next ..wanna try it darlin ?

Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
That movie was the inspiration for the song and You Allison are the inspiration for the fantasy!
  • BDD
  • 09-13-2013, 01:22 PM
I have an image of both parties blindfolded, blindly caressing and fondeling each other in an extended, slow, sensuous session with seductive music like Enigma and Sade. Has anyone ever tried a session like that? I'm thinking it would be Very erotic. Originally Posted by nightengale1973
Just turn off the lights. LMAO
ICU 812's Avatar
I have an image of both parties blindfolded, blindly caressing and fondeling . . . .. Originally Posted by nightengale1973
Close the blinds and turn out the lights.
nightengale1973's Avatar
Close the blinds and turn out the lights. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Not really the same. Lol
whatafunman's Avatar
Interesting concept. Like in the dark dining.
Best part is that you could get a fugly girl and it wouldn't matter.
rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 09-13-2013, 09:18 PM
My wife and I were at a Swingers Convention in New Orleans one year. It featured a dark room. It was completely black inside the room. I didn't go in because I heard there had been some guys in the room feeling on other guys (not my thing). But my wife was interested in checking it out. She went in with a couple that we knew pretty well. They stayed close together the whole time, and reported back that it was exciting to have totally unknown people feel their bodies in the dark. But they got nervous at the thought of having full sex with strangers and left before it got too intense.
Never had double blind-fold but my solo blind fold was indeed amazing...very erotic! But then I had a great partner too, so...you know who you are, babe!...
ICU 812's Avatar
Several years ago it looked like I would loose all my vision. Happily, this did not happen to both eyes and now I just have very bad eyesight.However, I spent several months living at a school for blind adults.

All training was done with a fully effective blindfold on (look up "Mindfold"). I mean—it was DARK iinder there. Being in total darkness for +8 hours a day is an amazing experience. Just learning to walk around was terrifying at first.

What I noticed while living there was that blind people have no visual prejudice. Short and tall, thin-fat, hot and plain have no real meaniong to those who cannot see at all. Truely, looks don't matter and inner beauty is all there is.

If you want the blind experience, check out the Light House for the Blind to see if you can get a referral for "sensativity traing" with a mobility trainer (walking around with a cane). Being blind for a while will really open your eyes.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 09-14-2013, 01:35 PM
Double blindfolded? Interesting. Never thought of this. Hmm... ATF?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 09-14-2013, 07:27 PM
i have had gals ask me to double bag me. Lmao
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I've entertained this notion before. Also along with earplugs. Imagine what happens to other senses when sight and sound are cut off.