Have you ever said, "what are you doing here?"

tbone77494's Avatar
This has not happened to me, thank god, but I just saw a 20 y.o. niece post a Facebook pic dressed pretty trashy. She is going through a rebelious stage I suppose. Just got me thinking, I would not be surprised if she ventured into providing.

Then I thought, holy shit, what would happen if I scheduled without seeing a face shot, got there, and she popped out from behind the door? Being rebellious anyway, she probably wouldn't care who found out, but she would have me by the nuts, not in a good way.

Has anyone gone to a session and seen someone you know as a civilian and been shocked.? Maybe itthe receptionist at your office, some girl you knew from high school, some soccer mom from the neighborhood.

And no, I am not from Arkansas, I would not do my niece.
I'm not from Arkansas either , but I'll do your niece !
loveitdou's Avatar
When I was in college I tutored an exchange student from Germany for 4 semesters-for free - Man she was a sexy beauty built for speed in fact I had a hard time concentrating when we meet at the library - never got up to bat let alone to 1st base. Then one evening (12 years later) in London down at the hotel bar (Central Park Hotel) in she walks in a extremely sexy black dress that look like it was painted on her complete with 5" heals, Blonde 5'0" 110# 34D+-22-34. I choked slightly on my drink when she came over and said hello and called my name. I was very cool, suave & debonair and said "nuffbloup!" She laughed as did I and she was very nice to talk to and her accent is so sexy.

Turns out she'd been stood up, she's 2000 Pound an night provider That was in 1992- she said "I never did thank you for helping me at school"......Man was I thanked - Three hours later after I'd bought dinner and drinks she stayed the night and refused my money. I'll Never forget the Best ever- I still email her time to time and just keep in touch - never saw her again (she lives in Berlin now)-but probably couldn't afford her if I did. BTW the smile on my face (kinda like my avatar) is there every time I think about that night-One in a Million. One thing she said later as we went BCD was "You vill hav a goodt time" Understatement of my life and the nicest gift ever.

So I was really shocked but in a great way.
Wakeup's Avatar
GTDADDY's Avatar
Funny you should bring up this type of subject. You might want to get the popcorn out this is a bit long. Many years ago I was married, living at the end of the cul-de-sac, nice house, nice cars, golf every Sunday, good job and beautiful wife. Shortly there after I was blessed with 2 wonderful kids. Right after that my wife developed PKS. Married guys you know what I'm talking about Post Kids Syndrome. Now ladies I totally understand that being a mom is THE hardest job in the world, even if you don't have to cook, clean, work, do laundry, or darn my socks, but I digress. PKS is when she stops going to the gym, still likes her ice-cream and pickles while sitting on the sofa watching Opera AND Ellen. She doesn't lose pregnancy weight but adds to it, doesn't want to have sex nearly as often as before and when we do it's just not quit the same as before. So I ask her why the huge change ( no pun intended)? She replies, "i don't have to anymore because we married and I have had your kids. WOW, Damn, Ouch, wasn't expecting that. But I believed in the "till death do us part", and didn't want to put the kids through a divorce.
It so happened that there was another family in our cul-de-sac that we met when we moved in. Our kids went to the same school together, they were on the same soccer team, and we hung out together at the block parties. He and I played golf together, went to sporting events together, you know the usual bromance. His wife on the other hand was unbelievably, smoking hot, like Playboy Bunny or Victoria Secretes model HOT! From the beginning I had a secret of crush on her. You know the sore ribs kind of crush, where you come home from the kids soccer game with sore ribs, because your wife kept poking you in the ribs saying, "Pay attention to the game!"
Since I had a wife with PKS that was unresolvable I entered the hobby. One day I'm going through BP, EROS, Naughty Review, the usual and I see this womans' body that is just what I like. I email and she agrees to meet at her in-call. I arrive at her in-call, all shaved and showered, and knock on the door. The door opens and...yeah you saw this coming, there stands my neighbors wife in nothing but bra, panties, garter belt, stockings and stilettos. After picking my jaw up off the floor, and my mind racing faster then is humanly able to be measured, I try to act cool and think of a way to make the situation seem innocent. I say, "Oh Hi Susan. I must have the wrong room, is your husband here? Gee I hope I didn't interrupt anything." Hey it's possible, right? She replies, " I Bill, no Dwayne isn't here, you must be my three o-clock." " You better get in out of the hallway before someone sees you." She goes over and its on the edge of the bed trying to decide to cover up or not and what to say, think, do next. I go sit on the sofa at the other end of the room trying to think what to say, think. or do. Finally I say,"Boy this is awkward." She replies, that's an understatement." "I guess we'd better not let our spouses get even a hint of this." I said,"Now who's making the understatement?" The next several minutes were "i never thought..." "yeah neither did I." "Well what are we going to" "I'm not sure." "Me either" Then silence. After a while I said, "Funny, I've always, thought you were beautiful and even fantasied about something like this, and now...." She said, "Thanks, I always thought you were a hansom guy." Silence, and more silence. Then I said, " Look were both adults here. It's obvious, your here for your needs. I'm here for my needs, we're two consensual adults, therefore nobody else needs to know, right?" Then I place the donation on the coffee table. She looks at me, I look at her. Time passes. She gets up from the bed, picks up the donation, puts it in her purse, turns to me and says,"Lets explore your needs a little bit deeper." Needless to say it was a little awkward at first. We knew each other, but didn't know each other. We explored each other slowly at first, then as things became more and more arousing the pace picked up as well. LKF, DFK, BBBJ, DATY ( Her O), MISH. Sorry I have to pause here because I need to say she either had weights attached to her Ben-Wa balls, or she had a Vaginal Rejuvenation. ( it's a medical procedure, Google it) She was very snug. Ok back to action, K-9, and CG. We were both spent, and satiated. We showered together and discussed that this was beyond eithers' expectations in many ways, and made plans for stealth mode back in the cul-de-sac. Following that day we mmet about once a week for a year and a half. Let me tell you, soccer games, BBQs, block parties and such were never the same. She would always make it a point, at some point to discreetly show or tell me what underwear she had on. We never tried to make out or pet one another when our SO and/or our kids were around. After a year and a half she divorced her husband and moved away. About another year and a half and I divorced my wife. I never saw or heard from her again after she moved away. Her email and phone numbers never worked. Other then her provider adds in our area form that time from, Google had nothing about her. I didn't feel like going to other neighborhood friends of hers for info, just though it might seem suspicious. As Archie Bunker would say, "Those were the days."
Jeezus Christ , did anyone else fall asleep in the first chapter ?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Jeezus Christ , did anyone else fall asleep in the first chapter ? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Chapters, or paragraphs, would have been good.

So, how'd it turn out?
This one time, at band camp..... lol

True story... Reader's Digest Condensed version... When I first started providing, had an asst.... she screened well, but how do you screen for people you know... Saw a client, didn't recognize him, thought he looked familiar, but some people have that face, right??

After session, while getting dressed we started chatting... Come to find out, he was my dad's old college roommate, he comes to my fathers place of business, kind of often, and was even at my Baptism.... needless to say, I wanted to crawl under the bed...

Do you know he tried to book with me the following week?? Gross, and I think NOT!!!
tbone77494's Avatar
Right. We know you are some dudes daughter - just can't be my friend's daughter.
  • BDD
  • 09-13-2013, 01:32 PM
Walked in on a younger relative at a strip club stage one time. Left immediately.
Ran into a hot redheaded schoolmate dancing at Rick's. Bought a few drinks and dances from her in the club. Talked about old times. As the club is closing, she tells me she usually takes a cab home but maybe I could give her a ride and continue the night at her place. Best civilian time of my life.
Yes! I was so shocked when I opened the door to see a guy I had encountered in the halls several times at school. Although he was initially in shock, session went great. However, I'm glad he was in the graduating class of that year, so I never had to encounter him at school again after our dirty little secret....whew!
Yes! I was so shocked when I opened the door to see a guy I had encountered in the halls several times at school. Although he was initially in shock, session went great. However, I'm glad he was in the graduating class of that year, so I never had to encounter him at school again after our dirty little secret....whew! Originally Posted by Sofia Simms
Were you providing while in High School?
Infact, since I was a fetus!....Yup

Were you providing while in High School? Originally Posted by Wombat94