Any Cigar Aficionado's ?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So I'm actually taking the time to smoke cigars on occasion but trying to do it the right way. Experimenting for now. Are there any tried and true recommendations for keeping it lit and burning during the entire smoke?

Thus far its been inhale inhale inhale then push breathe back into the cigar to actually smoke it and keep it lit like charcoal on a BBQ pit. Any old timers out there with recommendations thanks in advance for sharing your secrets.

If not I'll keep tinkering till I get the shit down pat.
Slitlikr's Avatar
TheADream's Avatar
Seriously? Originally Posted by Slitlikr
The best way to be rid of a troll is to ignore them. All cigar smokers know you do not inhale or your meals of the past 24hrs will be coming out both ends...
I'm certainly a regular cigar smoker. I would recommend Cubuna Cohibas, Davidoffs is another one. Hope that helps.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Best cigar I ever smoked was a Cuban Cohiba.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm getting the hang of it. Keeping them lit. Right now I'm just smoking anything from South America it doesn't matter I don't have an aquired taste or preference at this time.
I've been smoking cigars for over 25 years. Based on what you describe, you might want to try a cigar with a larger ring gauge - the smaller ring gauges can get too hot, and "hot box", which is burn hotter in the middle, and that is where you get that charcoal effect. Make sure you are using a cigar lighter, and start off just warming the tobacco, heating it up, covering the entire end. Once you have warmed it up, then try drawing it, and then take it out of your mouth and warm again with the lighter. Trial and error, and you'll get it. Feel free to PM me if you need more suggestions.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I've been smoking cigars for over 25 years. Based on what you describe, you might want to try a cigar with a larger ring gauge - the smaller ring gauges can get too hot, and "hot box", which is burn hotter in the middle, and that is where you get that charcoal effect. Make sure you are using a cigar lighter, and start off just warming the tobacco, heating it up, covering the entire end. Once you have warmed it up, then try drawing it, and then take it out of your mouth and warm again with the lighter. Trial and error, and you'll get it. Feel free to PM me if you need more suggestions. Originally Posted by jaysnyder
OK thanks for the suggestions . I've been lighting a candle and using that to keep the cigar lit while outside on my porch.
Guest010619's Avatar
Cigars and pipe tobacco are true products and do not contain any of the chemicals used in cigarettes to make them burn faster.
If you light a cigarette and listen carefully you can hear the ignition of chemicals designed to make it burn faster and hotter. It's basically a nicotine delivery device.
That said: I found that smoking a cohiba or a mancudo is very enjoyable. I quit smoking cigars and pipes back in 2000 after having smoked them off and on for 17 years (1983-2000), and never suffered any withdrawals as I did when I quit smoking cigarettes after 2 years (1976-1978)
That said, I probably would love a good cigar again and perhaps one day I will, but I have a very active lifestyle (running, swimming and scuba diving) that requires I keep a healthy set of lungs. Even great tobacco will rob you of health and years. A good friend of mine succumbed to throat cancer despite smoking very top notch pipe tobacco.
O'Mike's Avatar
Reminds me how I am still pissed the nanny state that is running the City of Houston forced Downing Street to close.

SC, go outside the city limits and find a nice cigar bar. Go talk to the staff and regulars, let them know you are new and want some help learning the ropes. Most places will steer you in the right direction, and help you find what is best for your particular tastes. Take some time, sit, talk, drink and enjoy the experience with them. If the first place is not comfortable to you, don't give up and go try another one. It can be a very enjoyable and social experience (think old time barber shop, where guys hang out and talk shit for hours).

I am sure you can get a list of favorite places all around town from the guys here.

Call Michael Berry.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Call Michael Berry.

Cheers Originally Posted by Sig9er
Guest010619's Avatar
One thing that goes good with great pipe tobacco is a good liquor.
Buy unflavored and add the liquor to your tobacco instead.
There have been many times that I've enjoyed having a drink with a rum or whiskey and coke along with a great meat sauce made with that same liquor while smoking my pipe with liquor flavored tobacco.
HA.... try any cigar by Padron; Honduran, but grown with seeds from Cuba years ago. If you have a high $ budget, try the 64 Anniversary. They are outstanding.


Just don't let me catch you smoking stogies with MB in lower Westheimer.
Select a well aged cigar that has been properly kept in a humidifier. Not too dry, not too moist.

Use a good cutter or punch to give yourself a good hole to draw from on the other end.

Use a cigar lighter.

Use a cigar lighter.

"Toast" the tip by holding the cigar away from you and letting the lighter lightly toast the tip; this is very brief (a second or two) and not to be confused with lighting it.

Bring it to your mouth and light it, keeping the lighter a half inch or so away from the tip. Avoid having the lighter flame make direct contact with the tip. Lightly suck in as it heats up.

Move the lighter around the tip to ensure an even light.

Allow the "coal" to burn; don't flick any portion of it off. The coal is the ball of lit tobacco that must stay hot. Reignite if necessary, but don't allow the flame to come in direct contact.

Occasional puffs and perhaps some gentle squeezing around the label end to allow the draw an easier flow.

Careful not to flick ashes too hard; you'll lose your coal.

Pour an adult beverage and invite one of our lovely ladies to provide a slow oral service while you enjoy it all. Better than any massage.