Jay Sekulow - attorney, or crook ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Trump put this attorney on his legal team.

He controls a non profit charity. His family has pocketed 60 million from it. Very
similar to what Trump's son does

Board consists of - only his family.
How do they pocket it ? One example:

Charity gives 240k loan to a family member to buy a house. Family member doesn't pay. Charity forgives entire loan. Guess who has the title to that property now ?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Do they do it the same way as the Clinton Crime Foundation?

I thought lawyer and crook were synonymous.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Jay Sekulow - attorney, or crook ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Embrace the power of and.
MisterMeat's Avatar
If he works for Don the Con, he's as crooked as the day is long...
If he works for Don the Con, he's as crooked as the day is long... Originally Posted by MisterMeat
Trump is making a mint off of being President. What cracks me up is how people just go along with this. If Hillary or Obama would have done 1% of what Trump has done to line his pockets since being in office, the Trump supporters would be up in arms. The guy is still running his business while in office. Selling influence, he is holding political events at every hotel and passing the bill on to us. Mira Largo has double their initiation fees and membership fees. The Chinese have given him trademarks for Trump hotels in China. This never happens. The travel ban was only placed in countries where Trump did not have hotels. The Russians were the only ones that would loan him money during the economic collapse. We don't know where his money is coming from or who he owes because he won't release his tax returns. Everything he has done since getting elected is to line his own pockets. It is sad that his supporters bring up the Clinton foundation, they are not keeping the money. In Washington that is how you get to meet people is by making a large donation. A bunch of hypocrites, any time anything a journalist finds out about what they did, it is labeled fake news. Breitbart and Fox won't even talk about it. We are getting the govt we deserve, a bunch of stupid misinformed people that believe in lies from Infowars.
Wakeup's Avatar
"The only thing I care about bankers is that I get my calendar every year. The only thing I care about lawyers is that they're back in their coffins before the sun comes up." - James Garner as F. Ross Johnson
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am sure that just like any other person involved in the political arena, that, if he has in fact committed a crime, ANd it is brought to the attention of the FBI and the Justice Department, he will never be indicted or charged unless he is not a leftist bastard.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Here's an idea: why don't you post links to your sources of this "information"? Unless, that is, it's privileged information known only to the select.

I will be amazed if you do post the sources and I fail to find hilarity in it.
We are getting the govt we deserve, a bunch of stupid misinformed people that believe in lies from Infowars. Originally Posted by Greenflag
You can get your news from this guy.
VitaMan's Avatar
Here's an idea: why don't you post links to your sources of this "information"? Unless, that is, it's privileged information known only to the select.

I will be amazed if you do post the sources and I fail to find hilarity in it. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Forbes, NY Times, Washington Post

The idea here is no crime has technically been committed. Only that they manage to pocket 60 mm from a charity they run. All through a web of family connections. This
is moral corruption.

They just do a better job with their paper trail, than say......Enron.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Forbes, NY Times, Washington Post Originally Posted by VitaMan
Newsflash: those are periodicals, not refutable allegations; your naming them is no more than evasiveness. Be specific if you aspire to being taken seriously. Otherwise you're nothing more than a Sistine Chapel wannabe. You seem to be doing a fine monkey-see, monkey-do job there.

You make accusations of serious crimes, and the perpetrators need to be held to account if they are true...your flippancy adds nothing to serious discussion.
VitaMan's Avatar
This is eccie
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
This is eccie Originally Posted by VitaMan
I see: you seem to at least tacitly admit that your posts signify nothing. I agree with that. Carry on.
VitaMan's Avatar
Nothing on nothing means nothing. Just electrons on a hooker board.
bigbadbill969's Avatar
The entire legal system is crooked. Judges, DA and lawyers are all buddies and out to fuck all of us.