O' Great Chief Dark Cloud (davephx)

hotrix1's Avatar
Do you ever post anything positive? Or are you just compelled to post about DOOM & GLOOM, dave? Is the sky always falling in your world you can't find something good to post about?

What? Your mother never taught you that if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing? What is it dave? Do you always have to be a depressing downer, dave? How about turning that frown upside down and post something positive and beneficial to the hobby rather than the contrary. You make people avoid this forum because of all your negativity, dave. Would you please quit it already?

You take all the fun out of fucking, Eeyore. Go see Pooh Bear to learn how to get your hands on some Sweet Hunny Hiney. Might cheer you up.
hotrix1's Avatar
No reason to be so grim, so morbid.

Welcome to the ECCIE Psychiatric Hotline for hobbyist.

If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly as you keep trying to rub one out.

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 while she sucks you off.

If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6 to get multiple providers, one to suit each one of yours.

If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call. We'll be calling you back on the throwaway hobby phone.

If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. Then you argue with the crazy idiot which number you'd rather press instead.

If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer anyway. Try to PM her instead, give her something pathetic to laugh at you about.

If you are delusional and occasionally hallucinate, please be aware that the thing you are holding on the side of your head is staring at your crotch and is about to bite your dick off.

And a bit of advice here dave, “Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”

That helpful, dave?
Jade1979's Avatar
Sorry if my passion for the safety of companions and warnings to try and stay out of jail or bad clients or trolls is offensive. I suggest if you want to bury your head in the sand and avoid anything negative you just ignore my posts based on facts to try and keep folks safe with knowledge of what to avoid etc.

I have been a national advocate for decriminalization based on risk reduction for over two decades. Helped catch the guy that almost killed about a dozen companions, exposed the large website owners rape and hiring a hitman (who was an uncover). He went to prison and the attacker is now serving over 100 years in prison. Also exposed fake cops trying to get free sex and many more things to try and keep folks safe over the past two decades. And many reports of guys trying to pass counterfeit money with descriptions etc.

What have YOU done for the industry?
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I'm not even from AZ, and even I know all about this guy (troll). I hope everything else is good for y'all.
hotrix1's Avatar
Me, a troll Audrey? Or do you mean dave?

And dave. Why so morbid and depressing? Didn't anyone ever tell you that the messenger with the bad new usually got taken out and shot? How about some good news for a change? Does everything you post have to be so damn negative. Can't you find something positive to post once in a while?

Or can Chief Dark Cloud have a ray of sunshine every so often? Because if not, I can recommend a provider to bring sunshine where it's supposedly don't shine, O Enlightened One.
Jade1979's Avatar
I'm not even from AZ, and even I know all about this guy (troll). I hope everything else is good for y'all. Originally Posted by Audrey Astor

Girl I fly in early Morning And I'm like is This what I got to look forward to😭😭😭
Jade1979 yes there are trolls here that attack and are nasty if they don't like facts that are aimed to provide safety to the industry even if negative to know how important it is to avoid the experiences of others - especially for legal issues as well as safe sex.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
[QUOTE=hotrix1;1061122919]Me, a troll Audrey? Or do you mean dave?

Not you hotrix1, Dave. Guess you won't be hearing from him for awhile.

Have a good prosperous trip Jade. You'll have to spice up the forum with some fun topics.
hotrix1's Avatar
Me, a troll Audrey? Or do you mean dave?

And dave. Why so morbid and depressing? Didn't anyone ever tell you that the messenger with the bad new usually got taken out and shot? How about some good news for a change? Does everything you post have to be so damn negative. Can't you find something positive to post once in a while?

Or can Chief Dark Cloud have a ray of sunshine every so often? Because if not, I can recommend a provider to bring sunshine where it's supposedly don't shine, O Enlightened One. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Was being facetious Audrey. But glad you chimed in pretty lady. Damn nice legs, the rest ain't bad either.

Now just what did dave just do to get himself banned this time?

Or did Chief Dark Cloud get himself enlightened where the sun don't shine?

Guess we won't be seeing him on his soapbox for a bit.
jazz_jewel's Avatar
Oh that man,

he hasn't changed in 20+ years and likely never will. Just another board hag who just loves to "impress all" with his vast knowledge. hmmm....

He ought to move to the midwest and hang out with the fuckwads from KC & ICT! LOL

His ban is likely temporary as this board would rather have ratings than real content.

$tay $afe,